Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program

SURE/Experience Plus Undergraduate Research Program

The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program is designed to guide undergraduate students in the practice of research and expose them  to potential educational and research-oriented career paths. This is accomplished through faculty mentorship and training while students participate in a faculty member’s research or scholarly project. 

Faculty members (not students) submit a project application that identifies a student researcher. If awarded, the student researcher receives a summer stipend of $3,200 while they work on the SURE project (this work does not count for academic credit). Students generally work 15-20 hours per week over the course of 8-12 weeks in the summer. Students are also required to attend professional development sessions throughout the summer and present their work at the SURE Showcase in the fall. 

Through this experience, the program aims to  provide students with the opportunity to participate in individual research projects; to learn about the life of an active researcher; to learn about research-oriented careers; and to develop a long-term mentor relationship.

SURE 2025

Sena Alenzi accepting 1st place at the SURE Showcase
SURE 2024 researcher Sena Alenzi
receives 1st place at the SURE Showcase

Faculty: The SURE 2025 application is now closed. 

Students: Interested in participating? Talk to a faculty member you're interested in doing research with summer 2025 through the SURE program. The faculty member can then submit an application for SURE and identify you as the student researcher. 

In some cases, faculty are unable to identify student researchers for their SURE project, so if you are interested in being matched with a faculty member, please contact [email protected].

Students who are interested in participating need to be current undergraduate UM-Dearborn students who will graduate December 2025 or later and have not participated in a previous SURE program.

SURE 2025 Projects



Visit the Past Projects page for information about all previous SURE projects.

Associated Publications

Students who were credited in publications for their work on SURE projects:

SURE 2024

  • A. A. Farhat, Y. A. Almahdi, F. Z. Alshuhani, B. Xhabija, Morphological and Optical Profiling of Melanocytes and SK-MEL-28 Melanoma Cells Via Digital Holographic Microscopy and Quantitative Phase Imaging. Adv. Biology 2024, 2400346.

SURE 2023

  • D. Johnson, O. Pellegrini, R. Sauer, J. Schall, K. Mottakin and Z. Song, "Extending Automotive Vision System by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Operations, Services and Technologies (MOST), Detroit, MI, USA, 2023, pp. 223-224, doi: 10.1109/MOST57249.2023.00031.
  • Hachem, Z., Hadrian, C., Aldbaisi, L., Alkaabi, M., Wan, L. Q., & Fan, J. (2024). Asymmetrical positioning of cell organelles reflects the cell chirality of mouse myoblast cellsAPL Bioengineering8(1). 
  • Pagnucco G, Overfield D, Chamlee Y, Shuler C, Kassem A, Opara S, Najaf H, Abbas L, Coutinho O, Fortuna A, Sulaiman F, Farinas J, Schittenhelm R, Catalfano B, Li X, Tiquia-Arashiro SM. Metal tolerance and biosorption capacities of bacterial strains isolated from an urban watershed. Front Microbiol. 2023 Oct 23;14:1278886. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1278886
  • Sampson, N., Price, C., Almaleky, A., Reda, Z., & Reda, Y. (2024). Lessons from the Environmental Health Research-to-Action Academy. Environmental Justice. 
  • Susko, D.J., and Jamil, A.N. 2024. Effects of Seed Number and Fruit and Seed Packaging on Dispersal Potential of the Multiseeded Fruits of Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis). International Journal of Plant Sciences 185:503-508.

SURE 2022

SURE 2021

SURE 2020

SURE 2019

SURE 2018