Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program

SURE/Experience Plus Undergraduate Research Program

The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program is designed to guide undergraduate students in the practice of research and expose them  to potential educational and research-oriented career paths. This is accomplished through faculty mentorship and training while students participate in a faculty member’s research or scholarly project. 

Faculty members (not students) submit a project application that identifies a student researcher. If awarded, the student researcher receives a summer stipend of $3,200 while they work on the SURE project (this work does not count for academic credit). Students generally work 15-20 hours per week over the course of 8-12 weeks in the summer. Students are also required to attend professional development sessions throughout the summer and present their work at the SURE Showcase in the fall. 

Through this experience, the program aims to  provide students with the opportunity to participate in individual research projects; to learn about the life of an active researcher; to learn about research-oriented careers; and to develop a long-term mentor relationship.

SURE 2025

Sena Alenzi accepting 1st place at the SURE Showcase
SURE 2024 researcher Sena Alenzi
receives 1st place at the SURE Showcase

Faculty: The SURE 2025 application is now closed. 

Students: Interested in participating? Talk to a faculty member you're interested in doing research with summer 2025 through the SURE program. The faculty member can then submit an application for SURE and identify you as the student researcher. 

In some cases, faculty are unable to identify student researchers for their SURE project, so if you are interested in being matched with a faculty member, please contact [email protected].

Students who are interested in participating need to be current undergraduate UM-Dearborn students who will graduate December 2025 or later and have not participated in a previous SURE program.

SURE 2025 Projects


  • The effect of Bisphenol S on the sex-determination of the vertebrate embryo, John Abramyan (faculty mentor), Mohamedeyed Ammari (student researcher)
  • #MeToo and a Culture of Respect: Creating a Policy-Based Institutional Life History, Kathleen Darcy (faculty mentor), Sajra Terzic (student researcher)
  • Investigating the mechanisms of planar cell polarity and cell-cell junction dynamics, Ji Fan (faculty mentor), Fatima ElSaghir (student researcher)
  • How Cancer Hijacks Immune Cells: Investigating the Role of NHE9 in Macrophage-Mediated Tumor Progression, Kaylan Kondapalli (faculty mentor), Francesca Badalamenti (student researcher)
  • The End of Human Rights: Corporate Voices in Human Rights Rhetoric, Michael MacDonald (faculty mentor), Megan Brown (student researcher)
  • Mapping forest and lake temperature variability in the natural area of the Environmental Interpretative Center, Jacob Napieralski (faculty mentor), Talia List (student researcher)
  • What is the government hiding? Examining the challenges of communicating practical administrative knowledge to citizens, Vadym Pyrozhenko (faculty mentor), student researchers TBD
  • Toward a Coexistent Future Between the Arts and Technology, Liz Rohan (faculty mentor), Jenny Huynh (student researcher)
  • Parents without borders: Exploring the impacts of international parental child abductions, Amny Shuraydi (faculty mentor), Cadence Pero (student researcher)
  • Artificial Intelligence & Personality Evaluation Through Narrative Assessment, Caleb Siefert (faculty mentor), Carley Wehab (student researcher)
  • ARPA and Innovation; Foundations, Cities, and Alternative Economic Development; Detroit Oral Histories, Dale Thomson (faculty mentor), Lilly Samulski (student researcher)
  • Electron Microscopy Techniques and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry as Tools to Characterize Biosorption of Lead by Bacterial Strains from an Urban Watershed, Sonia Tiquia-Arashiro (faculty mentor), Somie Opara (student researcher)
  • Unravelling the Influence of Membrane Composition on Kinesin-Driven Organelle Movement, Suvranta Tripathy (faculty mentor), Hassan Bazzi (student researcher)
  • Investigating the Role of Natural Products in the Treatment of Renal Cancer, Besa Xhabija (faculty mentor), Eva Schwark (student researcher)


  • Optimal Operation of EV Fast Charging Stations: A Data-Driven Approach to Load Estimation and Uncertainty Management, Van Hai Bui (faculty mentor), Daniel Skilarov (student researcher)
  • Uncertainty estimation in deep neural networks, Srijita Das (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
  • The viability of dynamic ultrasound imaging as a tool for enhanced smooth muscle tissue characterization during a simulated perturbation test, Amanda Esquivel (faculty mentor), Issraa Fakih (student researcher)
  • Study and Detect CAN Protocol Related Bugs in Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS), Foyzul Hassan (faculty mentor), Michael Gharbieh (student researcher)
  • Error Analysis for Machine Learning Classification Models in Autonomous Driving, Jian Hu (faculty mentor), Andy He (student researcher)
  • BadKAN: Backdoor Attacks to Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks, Ang Li (faculty mentor), Hussein Haidar Ahmad (student researcher)
  • Exploration of sex based differences in pulmonary fibrosis, Caymen Novak (faculty mentor), Batoul Chalhoub (student researcher)
  • Materials Characterization for Sustainable Steelmaking, Christopher Pannier (faculty mentor), Kennedi Williams (student researcher)
  • Developing transmigration assays in microphysiological systems to understand neuroinflammation, Aditya Raghunandan (faculty mentor), Malak Harajli (student researcher)
  • AI Meets Robotics: Creating an Interactive Conversational Robot with ChatGPT, Samir Rawashdeh (faculty mentor), Natalie Kim (student researcher)
  • Designing a Device to Characterize the Stiffness of Hydrogels for In Vitro Tissue Applications, Rafael Ruiz (faculty mentor), Santiago Dugarte (student researcher)
  • Software Engineering Applications of Family Engineering Research Study, DeLean Smith (faculty mentor), Boluwatife Kolawole (student researcher)
  • Repurposing Old Smartphones for Community Sensing, Zheng Song (faculty mentor), Marwa Chbeir (student researcher)
  • Optimal Control for Differential Wheeled Robots: Addressing Uncertainties and Disturbances, Guilherme Vieira Hollweg (faculty mentor), Harpreet Mann (student researcher)
  • Energy-Efficient Light and LoRa Hybrid Communication Framework for Mobile Robots, Xiao Zhang (faculty mentor), Syed Zitmir Gilani (student researcher)


  • Careful Conversations: Area Educators’ Perceptions of Teaching During a National Election, Erin Bronstein (faculty mentor), Esraa Abukhadijeh (student researcher)
  • Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Formerly Incarcerated People in Michigan, Vitalis Im (faculty mentor), Myron Wood (student researcher)
  • Improving Educational Support Systems for Multilingual Learners, Kyongson Park (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
  • Climate Adaptation in the Midwest: Learning from Immigrants and Refugees, Natalie Sampson (faculty mentor), Noor Raza (student researcher)
  • Diversity and Disability Representation through Children’s Literature, LaShorage Shaffer (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
  • Unequal Healthcare Access: Children of Single Mothers of Color Before and After the Affordable Care Act, Yiwan Ye (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD


  • Virtual Tutor: learning and having fun with a friend?, Yi Maggie Guo (faculty mentor), Sophia Guo (student researcher)
  • Ghost Parents: Neurodiversity, identity destruction, and institutional trauma, Elif Izberk-Bilgin (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
  • Do I Pollute During Uncertain Time? Political Uncertainty and Toxic Emissions, Jing Kong (faculty mentor), Jansen Sangala (student researcher)
  • A Bitcoin Company: The Strategy of Microstrategy, Lee Redding (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD

Mardigian Library:

  • Capabilities and Limitations of Bibliometric Reporting in Various Platforms, Amy Seipke (faculty researcher), Jeneen Jadallah (student researcher)


Visit the Past Projects page for information about all previous SURE projects.

Associated Publications

Students who were credited in publications for their work on SURE projects:

SURE 2024

  • A. A. Farhat, Y. A. Almahdi, F. Z. Alshuhani, B. Xhabija, Morphological and Optical Profiling of Melanocytes and SK-MEL-28 Melanoma Cells Via Digital Holographic Microscopy and Quantitative Phase Imaging. Adv. Biology 2024, 2400346.

SURE 2023

  • D. Johnson, O. Pellegrini, R. Sauer, J. Schall, K. Mottakin and Z. Song, "Extending Automotive Vision System by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Operations, Services and Technologies (MOST), Detroit, MI, USA, 2023, pp. 223-224, doi: 10.1109/MOST57249.2023.00031.
  • Hachem, Z., Hadrian, C., Aldbaisi, L., Alkaabi, M., Wan, L. Q., & Fan, J. (2024). Asymmetrical positioning of cell organelles reflects the cell chirality of mouse myoblast cellsAPL Bioengineering8(1). 
  • Pagnucco G, Overfield D, Chamlee Y, Shuler C, Kassem A, Opara S, Najaf H, Abbas L, Coutinho O, Fortuna A, Sulaiman F, Farinas J, Schittenhelm R, Catalfano B, Li X, Tiquia-Arashiro SM. Metal tolerance and biosorption capacities of bacterial strains isolated from an urban watershed. Front Microbiol. 2023 Oct 23;14:1278886. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1278886
  • Sampson, N., Price, C., Almaleky, A., Reda, Z., & Reda, Y. (2024). Lessons from the Environmental Health Research-to-Action Academy. Environmental Justice. 
  • Susko, D.J., and Jamil, A.N. 2024. Effects of Seed Number and Fruit and Seed Packaging on Dispersal Potential of the Multiseeded Fruits of Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis). International Journal of Plant Sciences 185:503-508.

SURE 2022

SURE 2021

SURE 2020

SURE 2019

SURE 2018