- The effect of Bisphenol S on the sex-determination of the vertebrate embryo, John Abramyan (faculty mentor), Mohamedeyed Ammari (student researcher)
- #MeToo and a Culture of Respect: Creating a Policy-Based Institutional Life History, Kathleen Darcy (faculty mentor), Sajra Terzic (student researcher)
- Investigating the mechanisms of planar cell polarity and cell-cell junction dynamics, Ji Fan (faculty mentor), Fatima ElSaghir (student researcher)
- How Cancer Hijacks Immune Cells: Investigating the Role of NHE9 in Macrophage-Mediated Tumor Progression, Kaylan Kondapalli (faculty mentor), Francesca Badalamenti (student researcher)
- The End of Human Rights: Corporate Voices in Human Rights Rhetoric, Michael MacDonald (faculty mentor), Megan Brown (student researcher)
- Mapping forest and lake temperature variability in the natural area of the Environmental Interpretative Center, Jacob Napieralski (faculty mentor), Talia List (student researcher)
- What is the government hiding? Examining the challenges of communicating practical administrative knowledge to citizens, Vadym Pyrozhenko (faculty mentor), student researchers TBD
- Toward a Coexistent Future Between the Arts and Technology, Liz Rohan (faculty mentor), Jenny Huynh (student researcher)
- Parents without borders: Exploring the impacts of international parental child abductions, Amny Shuraydi (faculty mentor), Cadence Pero (student researcher)
- Artificial Intelligence & Personality Evaluation Through Narrative Assessment, Caleb Siefert (faculty mentor), Carley Wehab (student researcher)
- ARPA and Innovation; Foundations, Cities, and Alternative Economic Development; Detroit Oral Histories, Dale Thomson (faculty mentor), Lilly Samulski (student researcher)
- Electron Microscopy Techniques and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry as Tools to Characterize Biosorption of Lead by Bacterial Strains from an Urban Watershed, Sonia Tiquia-Arashiro (faculty mentor), Somie Opara (student researcher)
- Unravelling the Influence of Membrane Composition on Kinesin-Driven Organelle Movement, Suvranta Tripathy (faculty mentor), Hassan Bazzi (student researcher)
- Investigating the Role of Natural Products in the Treatment of Renal Cancer, Besa Xhabija (faculty mentor), Eva Schwark (student researcher)
- Optimal Operation of EV Fast Charging Stations: A Data-Driven Approach to Load Estimation and Uncertainty Management, Van Hai Bui (faculty mentor), Daniel Skilarov (student researcher)
- Uncertainty estimation in deep neural networks, Srijita Das (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
- The viability of dynamic ultrasound imaging as a tool for enhanced smooth muscle tissue characterization during a simulated perturbation test, Amanda Esquivel (faculty mentor), Issraa Fakih (student researcher)
- Study and Detect CAN Protocol Related Bugs in Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS), Foyzul Hassan (faculty mentor), Michael Gharbieh (student researcher)
- Error Analysis for Machine Learning Classification Models in Autonomous Driving, Jian Hu (faculty mentor), Andy He (student researcher)
- BadKAN: Backdoor Attacks to Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks, Ang Li (faculty mentor), Hussein Haidar Ahmad (student researcher)
- Exploration of sex based differences in pulmonary fibrosis, Caymen Novak (faculty mentor), Batoul Chalhoub (student researcher)
- Materials Characterization for Sustainable Steelmaking, Christopher Pannier (faculty mentor), Kennedi Williams (student researcher)
- Developing transmigration assays in microphysiological systems to understand neuroinflammation, Aditya Raghunandan (faculty mentor), Malak Harajli (student researcher)
- AI Meets Robotics: Creating an Interactive Conversational Robot with ChatGPT, Samir Rawashdeh (faculty mentor), Natalie Kim (student researcher)
- Designing a Device to Characterize the Stiffness of Hydrogels for In Vitro Tissue Applications, Rafael Ruiz (faculty mentor), Santiago Dugarte (student researcher)
- Software Engineering Applications of Family Engineering Research Study, DeLean Smith (faculty mentor), Boluwatife Kolawole (student researcher)
- Repurposing Old Smartphones for Community Sensing, Zheng Song (faculty mentor), Marwa Chbeir (student researcher)
- Optimal Control for Differential Wheeled Robots: Addressing Uncertainties and Disturbances, Guilherme Vieira Hollweg (faculty mentor), Harpreet Mann (student researcher)
- Energy-Efficient Light and LoRa Hybrid Communication Framework for Mobile Robots, Xiao Zhang (faculty mentor), Syed Zitmir Gilani (student researcher)
- Careful Conversations: Area Educators’ Perceptions of Teaching During a National Election, Erin Bronstein (faculty mentor), Esraa Abukhadijeh (student researcher)
- Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Formerly Incarcerated People in Michigan, Vitalis Im (faculty mentor), Myron Wood (student researcher)
- Improving Educational Support Systems for Multilingual Learners, Kyongson Park (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
- Climate Adaptation in the Midwest: Learning from Immigrants and Refugees, Natalie Sampson (faculty mentor), Noor Raza (student researcher)
- Diversity and Disability Representation through Children’s Literature, LaShorage Shaffer (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
- Unequal Healthcare Access: Children of Single Mothers of Color Before and After the Affordable Care Act, Yiwan Ye (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
- Virtual Tutor: learning and having fun with a friend?, Yi Maggie Guo (faculty mentor), Sophia Guo (student researcher)
- Ghost Parents: Neurodiversity, identity destruction, and institutional trauma, Elif Izberk-Bilgin (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
- Do I Pollute During Uncertain Time? Political Uncertainty and Toxic Emissions, Jing Kong (faculty mentor), Jansen Sangala (student researcher)
- A Bitcoin Company: The Strategy of Microstrategy, Lee Redding (faculty mentor), student researcher TBD
Mardigian Library:
- Capabilities and Limitations of Bibliometric Reporting in Various Platforms, Amy Seipke (faculty researcher), Jeneen Jadallah (student researcher)
Visit the Past Projects page for information about all previous SURE projects.