Exploring Majors and Careers

Planning for Your Career

Resume CritiqueWhether it's deciding on a major, discussing a career change, making the connection from your major to a career pathway, or preparing for a career or post-graduate education, Career Services can help you take a pro-active approach to your professional and career development.

Exploring options for your major or career is one of these steps - how do you figure out what career path might be a good fit for you? The resources below can help you learn about and reflect on your knowledge, skills and abilities; interests, values, strengths and passions; and workplace preferences.

Remember you can always set up an appointment to speak with a career coach to review your results or to discuss any questions and explore possibilities.


Considering Graduate School?

Graduation cap

Maybe you've just finished your bachelor's degree and it's always been your plan to pursue an advanced degree. Or maybe you've been out of school for several years and want to go back to increase your marketability. Whatever your reason is, Career Services is here to help you meet your goals and assist through all stages of the process! We encourage you to set up a time with one of our staff members to discuss your ideas and questions.

Additionally, the UM-Dearborn Graduate Studies department has developed a graduate school planning guide that can be helpful no matter where you plan to pursue your advanced degree - check it out, and let us know how we can help!

Career Services

1183 - James C. Renick University Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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