Career Services

We help students and alumni succeed!

Welcome to Career Services!Career Services has moved

Career Services has moved from Fairlane Center North to the Renick University Center. We are located in suite 1183, a shared space with the START Advising Office. 

We look forward to seeing you there!



Career Services helps UM-Dearborn students and alumni with career exploration and planning, job preparation, and job search skill development. We facilitate connections between students, employers, and the community by providing a wide range of events and guidance that help students. 

Explore this website for self-assessments, career guides, finding employment, and tracking industry trends. Schedule an appointment, submit your resume or cover letter for review, or let us know if you have any questions (

Please note that you must email to schedule an appointment (don't use the form linked in the button below). Please include

  • some dates and times that work for you
  • the topic you would like to discuss
  • if you prefer a virtual or in-person appointment

If you would like to discuss your resume or cover letter and have started that document already, please include that document as an attachment to your email.

Resources for all alumni can be found on the "Alumni Career Resources" tab to the left.


Career Services prefers to conduct the first review of a resume (or cover letter) during an appointment with a Career Coach or during established walk-in hours with our professionally trained Career Peers. Further review of an additional draft and feedback can be provided via online submission. Our goal is to return your individual review within 7 business days.

Upcoming Events in March: Upcoming employer events-details on the website

  • Promo Table for Digital Summer Clinic 3/11, 12-3:30 
  • Employer Spotlight Session- Marathon Petroleum Co. 3/12, 2-3
  • Spring Career Fair 3/13, 10-2
  • Promo Table-AAWBC, 3/17 10-2
  • Promo Table - United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) 3/18, 11-1 
  • MAHLE CAREER DAY 3/19, 11-2
  • Promo Table-Michigan College Access 3/20, 10-2
  • Employer Spotlight Info Session-UWM 3/25, 11-12




Listen to our channel on Spotify for quick & easy tips, best practices, and a variety of career readiness topics from our Career Peers (student employees):  

Podcast information flyer


In-office hours: Monday-Thursday 9 am - 5 pm
Friday: By appointment is recommended to ensure staff availability 9 am - 5 pm

Need an appointment? Schedule one with a Career Coach! Or email us at

Career Services

1183 - James C. Renick University Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map