Master of Science in Engineering in Automotive and Mobility Systems Engineering

About the Program

Since its foundation, the University of Michigan – Dearborn has been a leading center for automotive engineering education. The graduate program in Automotive Systems Engineering, one of the first of its kind, has launched thousands of successful careers. In 2023, based on the input from our industry partners, the program was redesigned and given the new name of the Automotive and Mobility Systems Engineering program.

The new interdisciplinary degree focuses on recent technology developments like electrified and hybrid drives, autonomous vehicles, new mobility solutions, intelligent control systems, advanced design and manufacturing, and enhanced comfort and safety. Students learn from PhD faculty engaged in cutting-edge research and from leading industry experts The classes integrate theoretical knowledge with practical challenges through hands-on training, creative design, and problem-solving.


This program may be completed entirely on campus, entirely online, or through a combination of on-campus and online courses. See  "Online Options" section below for more details.

UM-Dearborn | CECS | MSE in Automotive Engineering

Program Details

The 30-credit program consists of a required group of core courses (12 credits) and an elective concentration (18 credits). The core provides a broad interdisciplinary understanding of automotive and mobility engineering. The concentration, which has to be declared and appears on student’s transcripts, can be selected from one of four areas: Vehicle Powertrain and Performance, Vehicle Design and Manufacturing, Vehicle Electrification, or Intelligent Vehicle Systems. For students with special interests not matched by any of these areas, a General Study concentration is available. To gain in-depth engineering design or research experience, students can complete a capstone project or a master's thesis.

Almost all classes are offered as a combination of on-campus lectures and online asynchronous instruction. On-campus sections are scheduled Monday-Thursday from 6-8:45 PM, except for several classes, which are offered in the late afternoon. Classes are offered in Fall (Sep-Dec), Winter (Jan-Apr), Summer I (May-June), and Summer II (July-Aug) terms. Fall and Winter courses meet once a week, while Summer I and Summer II courses meet twice a week. 


The completed coursework must include:

Core Courses (12 credit hours)

The core is intended to provide unified graduate-level preparation in interdisciplinary topics.

It consists of two required core courses (6 credit hours) and at least two elective core courses (6 credit hours) selected based on the student’s background and concentration area. One additional elective core course (3 credit hours) can be taken, with the credits applied to the concentration requirement.

Concentration Courses (18 credit hours)

Each student is required to declare one of the concentrations listed below. If a topic-based concentration is selected, a student has to take at least four courses from the concentration list. The other two courses can be taken from the selected concentration area, from another concentration area, or from the elective core courses (not more than one course).

Capstone Project or Thesis Option

A student may elect a master’s thesis (6 credit hours) or a capstone design project (3 or 6 credit hours) in lieu of coursework in the concentration area. Capstone project and thesis must be conducted under the guidance of a faculty advisor. A thesis is an individual work leading to new knowledge. A capstone project can be individual or team work and, typically, is an effort to apply the knowledge acquired in the program’s courses to the solution of a real-life problem. The enrollment requires approval by the faculty advisor and special permission by Department. 

  • AENG 698 Capstone Project (3 or 6 credit hours)
  • AENG 699 Master's Thesis (6 credit hours)

Program Contacts

Sherry Boyd

Administrative Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, and Graduate Programs Coordinator, Automotive Systems Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering

Taehyun Shim

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

2000 - Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map
Phone: 313-593-5241
Fax: 313-593-9967