Safety and Security Services
Contact us anytime for the following services.
The UM-Dearborn Department of Public Safety is proud to keep your safety in mind at all times. Along with responding to incident reports, we serve you in these ways.
For Police reports request, email the Department of Public Safety at
You and an authorized signer can complete the Short Term Access form if you need after-hours access to a building or room. We will admit people to a building or room after hours only if we have received this properly completed authorization form no later than 3:00 p.m. the date prior.
Read more information on building and room access and patrol on campus.
ID Cards
Students, faculty and staff use MCards as photo ID at University of Michigan-Dearborn. MCard issuance is managed at the Information Desk in the University Center.
MCards can be activated, when conditions are met, to allow building access. The MCard access policy is here. Contact your Department Area Coordinator for access.
Keys and Locks
UM-Dearborn considers the safety of its students, faculty, staff, visitors, and property to be of paramount importance and believes that key control is a major component of a comprehensive, university-wide, security program. Read the university key policy.
The Department of Public Safety can assist with opening doors in case of a lockout. Call dispatch at 313-593-5333. Read more about building and room access and safety.
If you've found an item, call DPS at 313-593-5333 and an officer will respond to pick up the found item, and all attempts to return found property to the owner will be made.
We receive all lost and found articles on campus and keep a log of all reported lost items. Unclaimed property will be held by the department for 90 days. When the owner of found property cannot be identified at the end of that period, it will be returned to the person who found it or donated to a local charity.
Note: Department of Public Safety, Facilities Management and other employees who are entrusted with a higher level of access to campus areas are prohibited from receiving unclaimed found articles, even after the 90-day waiting period.
Dial 911 from a campus phone or an Emergency Phone when you have an emergency request for medical treatment and ambulance service.
We will provide basic first aid and will contact the Emergency Medical System (EMS) if necessary.
Call dispatch at 313-593-5333 if you need to contact someone on campus in regard to a personal emergency situation.
The dispatcher will ask the nature of the emergency in an attempt to determine if the emergency constitutes the individual's immediate removal from class or if the notification can take place at the beginning or end of class. As the caller, your name and telephone number will be taken in case the notification could not be successfully made.
Note: Emergency notifications should be limited to "true emergencies" only. Notifications will not be made for missed appointments, meetings, or lack of transportation.
If you are in need of a safe place for an in-person exchange of goods, we have established a “Safe Exchange Zone.” You can find the Safe Exchange Zone in the front lobby of the Campus Support Services (CSS) Building.
Here the public can trade legal items, including internet sales, or conduct child custody exchanges in a safe atmosphere promoted by our police-protected and camera-monitored environment.
Location and Hours
Campus Support Services Building
- Building open M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., closed on holidays
Please be aware that police will not be screening transactions, but are available if an emergency arises.
All trades conducted in the Safe Exchange Zone are monitored by video recordings.
If at any time you feel unsafe or need police assistance, call 911 or contact dispatch at 313-593-5333.
Call dispatch at 313-593-5333 and give your name, location and destination whenever you need a safety escort. An officer will be glad to meet you and walk you to your car or other campus destination.
Safety escort service is available 24/7/365 for all members of the University of Michigan-Dearborn community.
Security cameras are installed in areas on campus to enhance campus safety and security. These cameras operate under the university’s SPG on security cameras.
Emergency phones are installed throughout campus. These phone are marked as emergency phones and have a blue light at the top. Picking up the phones will automatically connect you with our dispatch line, which is in operation 24/7/365.
Call dispatch at 313-593-5333 if you need vehicle assistance or to report an accident. Be ready to indicate the parking lot you are in and provide additional information depending on your need.
Call dispatch at 313-593-5333 or complete this form if you need to park your vehicle overnight on campus.
Get more information on vehicle assistance and parking enforcement.