
The remarkable life of Tony England

An adventurer to the core, Tony England’s uncommon achievements extend far beyond his time in space. We take a look at the life and legacy of the former dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, to whom the Engineering Lab Building is being ...

UM-Dearborn officially cuts the ribbon on the Omron Robotics and Human Factors Lab

The teaching and research lab features a special class of robots called “cobots,” which will help students explore the frontiers of human-robot collaboration....

Your ELB construction update for the start of 2019

UM-Dearborn’s new Engineering Lab Building won’t open until 2020. But if you’re curious about where things stand, here’s a quick list to get you up to date....

As 2020 kicks off, the ELB is showing off its final form

With an opening scheduled for late summer, the finish line is now within sight for the new Engineering Lab Building. Here’s a quick update on where things stand and what to expect during the home stretch....

Construction on the new ELB is nearing the finish line

Despite challenges posed by the pandemic, UM-Dearborn’s new Engineering Lab Building is set to be “substantially complete” by the end of October....

Faculty and students react to their first weeks in the new ELB

UM-Dearborn’s new Engineering Lab Building is open and it’s definitely meeting expectations....

UM-Dearborn celebrates ribbon cutting at its new Engineering Lab Building

The new facility solidifies the campus as a regional leader in engineering, with 45 labs dedicated to core and emerging disciplines....

This energy efficiency project will turn the new ELB into a building-sized laboratory

For this year’s DTE E-Challenge, an interdisciplinary team of faculty and students will leverage everything from artificial intelligence to “shaming” to reduce our energy footprint....

How Tony England transformed engineering at UM-Dearborn

The College of Engineering and Computer Science’s retiring dean talks candidly about his push to reinvent the engineering culture at UM-Dearborn — and the work that still lies ahead....