
Your Staff Senate

As the elected representative body of the non-instruction staff, the Staff Senate provides a formal avenue of open communication between staff, faculty, and administration and makes informed recommendations to the administration on issues which directly affect the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Your guidance, direction, and involvement is strongly encouraged.

2024-2025 Senators

Senators with an asterisk (*) indicate Staff Senate Council members. The Council meets the week before the Staff Senate meetings to set the monthly agenda. 


Michelle Fallscheer


Celia Robinson
Term: 6/2026

Christine Betts
Term: 6/2026

Donna Kerry
Term: 6/2025

Elspeth Muzzin
Term: 6/2026

Faye Luman
Term: 6/2026

Jennifer Macleod 
Term: 6/2026

Justin Recio
Term: 6/2026

Lisa Perry
Term: 6/2026

Mary Jones (Communications)*
Term: 6/2025

Michelle Fallscheer (Chair)*
Term: 6/2026

Richard Durant (Vice-Chair)*
Term: 6/2026

Sheryl Kubiak (Parliamentarian)*
Term: 6/2026

Susanne Gassel
Term: 6/2026

Bargained For 



Rachel Buzzeo 
Term: 6/2025

Nada Bachir 
Term: 6/2026


Shari Marshall
Term: 6/2026


Courtney Duffy
Term: 6/2025

Thomas Wesley 
Term: 6/2026


Andy Dean
Term: 6/2025

Lori Ormsby (Secretary)*
Term: 6/2026

Central Administration / Academic Affairs 

Nicholas Capul 
Term: 6/2025

Bryan Earl
Term: 6/2026

Information Technology Services 

Beth Medere

Term: 6/2026

Term Limited

Allison Kerry

Term: 6/2025

Updated: July 1, 2024