
Physics is the study of the most fundamental properties of matter and energy.

The physics program has been designed with the recognition that a student might choose to concentrate in physics for a variety of reasons. In addition to meeting the needs of those planning to continue their physics education in graduate school, the program serves students planning to pursue technical careers immediately after graduation, those seeking to enter medical, dental or other professional schools, and those planning to earn certification as teachers.

After completing a core curriculum in physics and mathematics and an introduction to the life and other physical sciences, students have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in basic and applied physics research. Most advanced students are able to participate in the research projects of faculty members during any of three University terms. Similar experiences may be arranged in hospital, industrial or government research facilities in the area.

The physics faculty have concentrated their efforts in atomic physics, condensed matter physics, biophysics and astrophysics. Physics concentrators have worked in these areas and also on projects in the interdisciplinary application of physics in medicine and the environment.

Physics Discipline Chair: Dr. Nicholas Licata
Concentration Advisor: Dr. Will Clarkson

Visit the University Catalog:

Learn about degree requirements and coursework for the Physics major and minor.

Learn which Dearborn Discovery Core requirements are fulfilled by taking Physics courses.

I love having something so complex be made so simple...this brought physics to my heart.


Physics Career Resources

Physics Faculty

Will Clarkson

Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy

James Hetrick

Lecturer IV in Physics; Interim Chair, Physics Discipline

Dale Igram

Lecturer I in Physics

Nicholas Licata

Associate Professor of Physics

Suvranta Tripathy

Assistant Professor of Physics

Department of Natural Sciences

114 - Science Faculty Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map
Phone: 313-593-5277
Fax: 313-593-4937