Co-op Education

The Experiential Learning Program

The College of Engineering & Computer Science "CECS" Cooperative Education Program at The University of Michigan-Dearborn is a way to close the gap between the role of student and the role of practicing engineer. The idea is to learn about the practice of engineering while you are still in school, not wait until school is over. 

CECS recognizes that experience-based learning, through cooperative education and internship programs, is an integral component to a student's college experience that provides life-changing learning opportunities. The Cooperative Education Program is an optional program for students who desire paid practical work experiences related to their academic program of study and to their career interest. 

CECS co-op student with her NASA team at Kennedy Space Center
CECS co-op student with her NASA team at Kennedy Space Center

What is Cooperative Education?

The CECS Experiential Learning Program encourages students to "Practice Today. To Prepare for Tomorrow".  To strengthen the 21st century engineer and go beyond the classroom.  Experiential Learning supports students in applying their classroom knowledge and conceptual understanding to real-world problems in industry.  

Our wide-ranging of educational experiential learning programs--include cooperative education, internships, student organizations, capstone projects and faculty supported research projects.  However, the Cooperative Education Program is a cornerstone for our students. It sets the stage by introducing students to a degree paid real-world engineering environment to learn in "Live-Time" from practicing professional engineers.  

The Cooperative Education Program experience embeds, the professional knowledge, understanding, and confidence that ultimately leads to a lifetime of student success.  It's the "Michigan Blue" difference.


Share Your Coop or Experiential Learning Experience


Industry Recruitment

 Engineering Co-op at FIVES Group in Farmington, MI
Engineering Co-op at FIVES Group in Farmington, MI

Careful coordination is exercised by the university to ensure a good match between interests and capabilities of the student and the requisites of the participating company. The successive work assignments of the company are expected to utilize the increased knowledge a student experiences following each academic term. If this progression is extended by a company, the probability of hiring the student upon graduation is greatly enhanced. The program has proven to be an excellent recruiting device to companies who run a good program.

More Information

For more information on coops or experiential learning experiences, please contact:

The Experiential Learning Office


CECS Advising Suite: Experiential Learning & Cooperative Education

Students and employers any additional questions you may have regarding internships, cooperative educations and career development events on campus please contact us at the email below: 

Engineering Lab Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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