BSE Human-Centered Engineering Design

Human Centered Engineering Design is a thinking process that provides engineers with the technical background to research, identify, translate and document user needs; and consequently, generate creative product/process design ideas that address user requirements; and implement and evaluate the usability of products or services in a scientific way.

Human Centered Engineering Design is an interdisciplinary and inclusive field of study that bridges human-centered design, engineering design, art design, social sciences and business principles. The Bachelor of Science Engineering in Human-Centered Engineering Design (HCED) is offered by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering to address a growing need of engineering designers serving human needs by applying design thinking processes to the whole product life cycle while considering user needs, technologies, and business factors. BSE in HCED is concerned with the interactive, iterative, and creative problem solving and/or product and system development by building empathy with the customer to better understand their needs.


UM-Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science student Hunter McCray discusses his experience while completing the BSE in Human-Centered Engineering Design program.

Accelerated Master Programs in Human-Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) 4+1 Option

The accelerated undergraduate/master’s studies option in human-centered design and engineering (including 4+1 option) allows the most qualified UM-Dearborn undergraduate human-centered engineering design (BSE- HCED) students to pursue a program of study in which BSE and MS degrees are earned in a five-year accelerated format. This is achieved by combining a portion of undergraduate and graduate coursework as described below.

Why choose HCED, and why at UM-Dearborn?

Why should you select Human Centered Engineering Design?

Design Studio Based Experience

Human-Centered Engineering Design is a hands-on based design program. The curriculum includes at least one studio class per academic year, in addition, to project-based classes. The 1200 sq. ft. design studios provide space for team design activities and to develop small scale low and high fidelity prototypes for their various design courses.

Real-World Experience

Human-Centered Engineering Design is a problem-based design program. Every year, each cohort of students will be presented with real-life community or industry problems and will be challenged to create solutions. Furthermore, internship, research, and study abroad opportunities are available for manufacturing engineering students. Talk with your professors to learn more.

Interdisciplinary Engineering Design

The program curriculum is designed to meet ABET accreditation requirements in mathematics, laboratory sciences, engineering and design. The program offers five concentration options in (1) mechanical engineering design, (2) electrical and computer engineering design, (3) software engineering and user experience (UX) design, (4) systems design and (5) an individualized concentration.

Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

2340 - Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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