University Curriculum and Degree Committee

UCDC Governance & Membership

The University Curriculum and Degree Committee (UCDC) shall be a standing committee of the Faculty Senate of the University of Michigan-Dearborn. The Committee's charge is to: provide the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs with a university-level assessment of new course and degree program proposals; to develop and approve campus-wide academic policies; to serve, through its Dearborn Discovery Core Subcommittee, as the approval body for proposed general education curriculum; and to facilitate/monitor campus assessment activities through its Assessment Subcommittee. The UCDC's Graduate Subcommittee (formerly the stand-alone committee known as the University of Michigan-Dearborn Graduate Board) bears responsibility for approving graduate course and degree program proposals as well as serving as the primary campus procedural body for Dearborn graduate programs. (See UCDC Governance Document.)

UCDC Membership Structure

UCDC Chair, Associate Provost of Undergraduate Programs and Integrative Learning

Voting Members:
Two faculty representatives from each college (8)
One Faculty Senate representative serving a one-year term (1)
One Student Government representative serving a one-year term (1)

Committee Advisors:
The University Registrar or designee (1)
The Library Director or designee (1)
The Director of Graduate Studies or designee (1)
The Director of Admissions & Orientation or designee (1)
Chief Assessment Officer or designee (1)
The Institutional Research and Effectiveness Director or designee (1)
Marketing Manager or designee (1)

Current UCDC Members

  • Maureen Linker, Associate Provost of Graduate, International and Online Learning (UCDC Chair)
  • Armen Zakarian, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies (UCDC Vice Chair)
  • Stein Brunvand, Chair of CEHHS Curriculum Committee (ex officio)
  • Claudia Kocher, Chair of COB Curriculum Committee (ex officio)
  • Yunus Zeytuncu, Chair of CASL Curriculum Committee (ex officio)
  • Brahim Medjahed, Chair of CECS Curriculum Committee (ex officio)
  • Christopher Burke, CEHHS Representative (Term: F20 - W23)
  • Eric Ratts, CECS Representative (term: F22 - W24)
  • Aaron Ahuvia, COB Representative (term: F23 - W25)
  • Daniel Lawson, CASL Representative (term: W24 - F26)
  • Yulia Hristova, Faculty Senate Representative (F24 - W25)
  • Rupinder Singh & Zahra Patni, Student Government Representative (F24 - W25)