Senate Membership

Senate Membership 2023-2024

Membership in Faculty Congress, Faculty Senate, and Faculty Senate Council is defined in articles III.3, IV.2, and V.2 of the University of Michigan-Dearborn Campus By-Laws (2022). Members of Faculty Senate Council are elected by and from Faculty Senate voting members. See: Information for Senators & Information for Alternates


Faculty Senate Chair Bruce Maxim (Chair to 08/31/2024)
Faculty Senate Vice-Chair Timothy Kiska pro tem (vice-chair to 08/31/2024)
CASL Representative Michael Dabkowski (to 08/31/2024), alternate John Chenoweth
CECS Representative Fred Feng (to 08/31/2024), alternate Amanda Esquivel
CEHHS Representative  Kirsten Dara Hill (to 08/31/2024), alternate Anda Botoseneanu
COB Representative Barbara Klein  (to 08/31/2024), alternate Hung-Chung Su


Faculty Senate Chair: BRUCE R MAXIM, CECS (Chair to 08/31/2024, member to 08/31/2025),  alternate GEORGES AYOUB  (per Bylaws the chair only votes to break a tie; the alternate votes to represent the college)
Faculty Senate Vice Chair: SHEILA R SMITH, CASL at-large (Vice-chair to 08/31/2024, member to 08/31/2025), Vice Chair pro tem  Timothy Kiska (to 08/31/2024), alternate Claudia K Walters
CHRIS ALTERI, CASL-NSCI (TO 08/31/2026), alternate Daniel Lawson
GEORGES AYOUB, CECS (Acting for Maxim TO 08/31/2024), alternate Birhanu Eshete
ERIK BOND, CASL-LCA (to 08/31/2025), alternate Nicholas Iannarino
ANDA BOTOSENEANU, CEHHS & Executive Committee Liaison (to 08/31/2024), alternate Mesut Duran
JOHN CHENOWETH, CASL-BSCI (to 08/31/2024), alternate Patrick Beauchesne
CHRISTOS CONSTANTINIDES, CASL-at-large & Executive Committee Liaison (to  08/31/2026), alternate Claudia K Walters
MICHAEL DABKOWSKI, CASL-M/S, (to 08/31/2025), alternate Jennifer Zhao
FRANCINE DOLINS, CASL-at large (to 08/31/2025), alternate Jamie Wraight
AMANDA ESQUIVEL, CECS (to 08/31/2025), alternate Shengquan Wang
FRED FENG, CECS (to 8/31/2025), alternate Shengquan Wang
KIRSTEN DARA HILL, CEHHS (to 08/31/2024), alternate Mesut Duran
SEONG HONG, CEHHS (to 08/31/2026), alternate Mesut Duran
TIM KISKA, CASL-at-large (to 08/31/2025), alternate Arlo Clark-Foos
BARBARA KLEIN, COB (to 08/31/2026), alternate Yi Maggie Guo
ZHIXIN JASON LIU, COB & Executive Committee Liaison (to 08/31/2025), alternate Yan Alice Xie
EMILY LUXON, CASL-SSCI (to 08/31/2024), alternate Vadym Pyrozhenko
HAFIZ MALIK, CECS & Executive Committee Liaison (to 08/31/2026), alternate Eric Ratts
MARK RADOSEVICH, CASL-at large & Executive Committee Liaison (to 08/31/2024), alternate Caleb Siefert
RAYA SAMET, LIB (to 08/31/2026), alternate Anne Dempsey
HUNG-CHUNG SU, COB (to 08/31/2024), alternate Yi Maggie Guo
PAUL WATTA, CECS (to 08/31/2026), alternate Sang-Hwan Kim
Non-voting Members (2 Elected, 7 ex officio)
Domenico Grasso, Chancellor (ex officio)
Gabriella Scarlatta, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (ex officio), alternates Maureen Linker and Joan Remski
Patrick Beauchesne, Faculty Ombuds (ex officio; to 08/31/2026)
Marcus Harris, Lecturer-at-large representative (to 08/31/2026), alternate Michael Molesky (elected)
Jill Darling, Lecturer-at-large representative (to 08/31/2025), alternate Raji Janakiraman (elected)
Harmony Reppond, Senate Assembly (ex officio; to 04/30/2025, alternate Hung-Chung Su
Wessam Elmeligi, Senate Assembly (ex officio; to 04/30/2026), alternate Warren Anderson
Pamela Pennock, Senate Assembly (ex officio; to 04/30/2026), alternate Kalyan Kondapalli
Ya Sha (Alex) Yi, Senate Assembly (ex officio, to 04/30/2024), alternate Yi-Su Chen
Joan Remski, Associate Provost (ex officio)
Maureen Linker, Associate Provost (ex officio)
Barbara Matthei, Faculty Retirees representative /ARFS (to 08/31/2024)
Muhammad Dakhlallah, Student Government (ex officio, to 05/01/2024), alternate Jana Rida
Faculty Senate Secretary, Karen F Dimanche Davis