Schedule, Agendas & Minutes

May 1993 through May 2022

UM-Dearborn Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Council began meeting virtually in March 2020, and will continue to meet virtually until further notice. 
Faculty Senate meetings are announced to the twenty-two voting members, seven ex-officio non-voting members, and seven regularly invited non-voting members and guests (See Membership). Faculty Senate meetings are open to all Faculty Congress members. Senate meetings are also open to the public except when the Senate deems an executive session necessary. Meetings are from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm on Mondays, normally once a month from September through May (See Calendar) except as may be noted below or otherwise announced.
Because meeting are virtual (currently using UM-Zoom), anyone who wishes to attend a meeting but is not on the invitation list should request the meeting link from Faculty Senate Secretary Karen Davis, [email protected]

Agendas and minutes, as well as related documents, for Faculty Congress, Faculty Senate, and Faculty Council from May 1993 through current date may be accessed through the Faculty Senate Dropbox folder.