Consulting Projects

Find out how our students can add value to your organization.

Our students work with profits and nonprofits, startups to fortune 500 companies to provide solutions to their business problems. These consulting projects not only add value to your organization, but they also provide our students with invaluable experiences working on a real-world project. 

Consulting Projects

Within the structure of a College of Business course and with faculty oversight, student teams will coordinate with clients on projects of up to 15 weeks to address a need or issue within an organization. Students will collaborate with stakeholders throughout the term, concluding with a final deliverable. View some examples of these projects below.

iLabs Office of Engagement and Impact

Have a business challenge you’re not sure how to approach? iLabs conducts research for external organizations (clients) as well as internal departments at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Using marketing research techniques, financial and economic impact studies, and competitive and strategic analyses, iLabs combines highly-skilled professors and student researchers with rigorous research techniques to provide solutions for organizations in any industry sector.

Project-based Internships

Project-based internships are a fit for organizations that do not currently have the need for a full-time intern, but have smaller projects or initiatives that need support. In these roles, College of Business students will bring their knowledge and expertise to work on smaller, shorter projects. Ideally, students will work part-time for a few weeks or up to several months. Examples of these kinds of internships include website update/construction and social media plans.  

Working with Student Organizations

Each semester the American Marketing Association chooses a local company to provide consulting assistance pro bono. In the past they have worked with  companies such as Breakfast of Champs, Cheat Treats in Dearborn and the New Mandarin Garden. Interested companies can request more information at