Internship and Career Recruitment
Build awareness of your brand on campus and access our pipeline of exemplary talent.
We are proud to say that 9 out of 10 of our current employers would recommend our students to their professional colleagues. Our students have strong track records, are predominately committed to living in the region upon graduation, and understand how to bring value to their work environment.
There are many ways for your organization to connect with our students. Whether you are looking to fill internships or full-time positions, the Business Career Center can help you. In addition, we have specific programs to support Non-Profit and Small Business sectors.
Please feel free to start a conversation with us by emailing
Finding Talent
The University of Michigan-Dearborn was founded over 50 years ago with a commitment to provide high-quality talent to the local community. Our students have a strong sense of the value they bring to the marketplace and are eager to connect with the business community. By connecting with us you will find a ready pool of talented students who have the skills, knowledge, and track record to succeed in your organization.
To hire a student intern or recent graduate simply create a job description and post it for our students to apply. Register your company in Career Connections and then click on the jobs tab to post a open position. If you need help, send us an email at
Can't afford to hire a student intern? We have resources to supplement the compensation for our students if they choose to participate in an internship with either a small company or a non-profit organization.
Connect Directly with our Students
We encourage companies to take advantage of the multiple opportunities to come on campus and meet with our students. It's important for students to learn about your company, mission, and purpose, so they can positively contribute to your bottom line. To help facilitate this we listed several opportunities below that allow your company to directly connect with our students.
An information table can be set up at a high traffic location on the College of Business's campus at no cost to your company. This offers you the opportunity to get the word out to students about your organization’s available positions and culture.
The best time to host an information table is Monday-Thursday between 4:00-6:00 p.m. To schedule an information table register your company in Career Connections and send us an email at with the requested date and time. A member of our staff will reach out to you to confirm the reservation.
We all know that most companies have many different types of need for talent and so by hosting a general session that can be open to COB and other students around campus, you have the opportunity to reach a broad spectrum of students with one session.
A good time for this type of session can either be over lunch hour or in the evening at 5 PM before our 6 PM classes start. As a result, it is also a good time to provide pizza or some other type of light meal. Students love a free meal and it can be very effective in getting a larger number of students to participate.
If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, be sure you are registered in Career Connections and then send us an email at with when you would like to host the session along with the general group of students that you would like to invite. They can be for some specific business majors, or all College of Business students or even those from our Engineering, Health Studies or Liberal Arts Colleges.
By helping out with our Mock Interview program you are able to help students learn how to be better interviewers, help them learn more about your company and even get some first-hand access to some of our better students. All of our College of Business undergraduate students do at least one mock interview and so it would give you a chance to meet, one on one, with several different students.
We run the program during the fall and winter semesters and we ask employers to commit to 3-4 hours of interviewing if they are available.
If you want to participate in this program register your company in Career Connections. Then send us an email at stating that you would like to volunteer to participate in the Mock Interview program.
Career development takes time and while we can provide students with coursework and other forms of support on an individual basis, ongoing coaching over the period of at least one semester has been shown to be very effective in both helping a student develop their career aspirations but also help them learn about different areas of interest that they might not have previously considered.
Each semester we launch our College to Career Coaching program whereby we connect volunteer coaches with students who are interested in the program. We host orientation sessions for the coaches and provide some structured guidance to help facilitate the dialog and process between the coach and the student. As a coach, you should allow for approximately 2-3 hours per month per student and we ask coaches to consider taking from 1 to 3 students as mentors.
If you want to participate in this program register your company in Career Connections. Then and send us an email at and let us know that you would like to be a College to Career Coach.