Business Office
Call Center
The Call Center can be reached at 313-593-5270 during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 3:30 pm and closed for lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.
Work Requests are processed through the work order system (AiM). To request an AiM login, contact the Call Center at
Purchasing Coordination
The Business Office provides purchasing coordination and inventory control for the Facilities Operations Department. Visit the UM Procurement Services webpage for more information.
Furniture Purchases
Furniture is a restricted commodity and can only be purchased by Facilities Planning
The Business Office Team
- Chauna Meyer: Manager
- Tammy Casey: Customer Services Assistant, Sr.
- Joy Adkins: Accounting and Office Assistant
- Tiffany Brown: Inventory Clerk, Sr.
Facilities Operations