Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Bioengineering

About the Program

Bioengineering is an expanding branch of engineering that primarily addresses issues related to medicine, healthcare, and overall human quality of life. It is a multidisciplinary field that combines scientific principles of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics with advanced engineering techniques of more traditional areas (such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, and computer engineering) along with innovative methods developed in recent years.

Bioengineering is a rapidly growing profession with a wide range of expanding career opportunities. Bioengineers design and build medical instruments, artificial organs, prosthetic limbs, therapeutic devices, and medical imaging equipment. They develop and conduct technically complex experiments to understand biological systems, organs, and diseases, and aid doctors in developing new medical procedures. Bioengineers work in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries to create more efficient drug development and manufacturing technologies. They also address medical problems in consumer technology related to safety, ergonomics, and comfort.

The undergraduate program in bioengineering begins by providing a strong foundation in engineering, covering the natural and physical sciences, mathematics, a comprehensive socio-economic-cultural background, and the behavioral sciences. It continues with biomedical engineering disciplines, focusing on the development of problem-solving and teamwork skills, engineering design, and emerging technologies. The program emphasizes the development of lab skills valued by employers and offers ample opportunities for research work with faculty.

The culmination of the program is a capstone design project, providing students with hands-on experience in tackling real-world biomedical engineering challenges.

Employment Opportunities

Bioengineers pursue careers at laboratories, biomedical engineering and pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, high-tech start-ups, and more traditional manufacturing, for example automotive, industries. Bioengineering is also a good undergraduate field of study for students preparing for medical school. Bioengineering students in our program have found employment, internships and continued education at numerous major corporations and top-tier graduate and medical schools.


The BSE Bioengineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

UM-Dearborn | CECS | Dual BSE in Mechanical/Bioengineering

Mechanical Engineering

2000 - Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map
Phone: 313-593-5241
Fax: 313-593-9967