Student Process

Detailed information about the process for addressing reports and complaints against students may be found in the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct and the related procedures for complaints against students.  If your concern is about an employee or third party, please visit the Faculty/Staff/Third Party Process page.

For Sexual Misconduct

Complainant Information

Information about filing a complaint against a student  (flowchart of process)   

Respondent Information

Information for students who are respondents (flowchart of process)

For Gender-Based Misconduct

Complainant Information

Information about filing a complaint against a student (flowchart of process)

Respondent Information

Information for students who are respondents (flowchart of process)

In some cases, individuals make an initial report but then decide they do not wish for the University to undertake an investigation.  When appropriate, the University will not pursue the matter, which is possible in most cases.  There may, however, be instances when the University may still need to review and investigate the information provided and may also be obligated to share the report with law enforcement for possible handling through the criminal justice system. Even in such cases, though, you do not have to participate in the university or law enforcement processes if you do not wish to do so.

Individuals with questions or concerns may direct them to the  Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office at 313-436-9194 or

Contact ECRT

1114 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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