Returning Students

Previously admitted to UM-Dearborn?

If you were previously admitted to UM-Dearborn, this information will guide you through your next steps on how to enroll for a future semester.

Re-Activating Students

These are students who were admitted to UM-Dearborn within the past year, but never enrolled.  Re-activating students should complete an Admission Information Change Form and submit it to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

If it has been more than one calendar year since the original term the student applied for, the student must re-apply by submitting the Application for Admission.

Re-Admitting Students

These are students who previously enrolled as degree-seeking students and did not graduate from UM-Dearborn and wish to return after not having been enrolled for at least one calendar year. (Even if a student took classes elsewhere after leaving UM-Dearborn, they are still considered a re-admitting student, not a transfer student.)

Re-admitting students complete a Readmission Form found here. Re-admitted students are subject to the requirements in effect at the time of re-admission. 

Review the FAQ below, for additional questions about re-admission, contact your respective academic unit.

Readmission FAQ

Changing Your Major

Undergraduate Students

  • Currently registered students, who wish to change their major, should contact an academic advisor in their current unit. 
  • New students, who have never taken a class, should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 313-593-5100 if they wish to change their major.

Graduate Students

If you are a graduate student wishing to change your major, please contact the Graduate Studies Office at 313-583-6321.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

1145 - James C. Renick University Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map
Phone: 313-593-5300
Fax: 313-436-9167