Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to frequently asked questions about the UM-Dearborn Business Idea Pitch competition.
Thursday, March 27th, 2025.
Any current UM-Dearborn student or team of current UM-Dearborn students.
A maximum of 6 students are allowed on a team. You can pitch as a one-person team, but teams of more than one are encouraged.
Any new idea you have for a product, service, or experience related to healthy living or mobility challenges. You don’t need to have a business plan, just an idea that you have given some thought to!
Yes, you can submit any business idea.
Yes, but only one idea per student/team will be allowed on Pitch Day. Having multiple ideas means you are competing with yourself for votes. You are encouraged to submit only your best idea.
The process takes just a few minutes. You need to answer a few questions about your team (or yourself) and your idea.
Submit your idea today!
Anyone can vote on ideas - encourage your friends and family to vote! A panel of reviewers will also select ideas to move on to Pitch Day.
The top ideas selected from those submitted online will have 5 minutes to pitch their idea to a panel of judges in a live competition.
Keep an eye out for details regarding workshops to help students with ideas and pitching.
Yes, please inform the project manager (Kari Kowalski at [email protected]) as soon as possible.
No, at least ONE member of the team has to be present. Let the project manager know about the others' absences before Pitch Day. All members of the team will need to complete paperwork before Pitch Day to be able to pitch/be eligible for any prizes.
There are thousands of dollars in prizes! Judges will determine the number of winners and the cash amount received by each.
Money is paid through the University, so you may be subject to taxes or financial aid rules.