Access and Accounts

Access Request Form Procedure

To request access to an application or system, click on the appropriate "access request form" from the list below. You will need to complete a separate request form for each application. ITS grants access specific to your role and responsibilities, so you will be asked to describe the functionality for which you have a business need.

MyLinc Trainings

The following training is required to be completed prior to all user access request submissions. Not completing these training sessions will cause  delay in the processing of your request.

  1. Dearborn FERPA & Data Security
    [RO100 FERPA at U-M can be taken by UMAA employees instead]
  2. DCE101 U-M Data Protection and Responsible Use

Standard Practice Guides

Acceptable use is governed by the following Standard Practice Guides:

  1. SPG 601.07 “Responsible Use of Information Resources"
  2. SPG 601.12 “Institutional Data Resource Management Policy"
  3. UM-Dearborn Policy: Reporting/Data Access and Acceptable Use Policy

Access Request Forms

These forms can be used to request or change your access for a given application.

Related Links:

Changing Access

Changes in access privileges may be required if an employee is assigned different job duties, transfers to a different department, or leaves the University.

  • Employees requesting additional access should use the Access Request Forms above
  • To remove access from an employee, send an email to the ITS Service Desk at and provide specific information on the type of change needed.

Student Access

Students on the Dearborn campus set their own uniqnames using a self-service application via the web. As soon as their uniqname is set, a U-M account is set up for them automatically.

Note: if a new student already has a uniqname from a previous relationship with the university, they will reactivate their existing uniqname during the setup process rather than creating a new one.

Email reminders are sent (two weeks apart) if the student does not set a uniqname and password, until the start of the term.

Office Printers

Office Printers are managed via MCommunity. To get access to a printer, you must be added to that specific printer’s MCommunity group, which is handled by someone in the department where the printer is located. Please see the following guide for more information:

Groupshare access

Groupshares folders (S: drive) use MCommunity Groups for managing access to the department and sub-department folders. To get access to a groupshare, you must be added to that specific printer’s MCommunity group, which is handled by someone in the department. Owners of the access MCommunity group can use this guide for how to add access:

Information Technology Services

238 - Fairlane Center North
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126
View on Map
Phone: 313-593-4357