CASL Digital Education Support

CASL Digital Education Support provides assistance with Canvas and other related digital tools to both faculty members and students. A few topics specific to CASL faculty members are outlined below. For Canvas support in other colleges, please see the Canvas Help and Support page.

Adding participants in Canvas

The instructor of record for a course may request the addition of Observers, Teaching Assistants, Librarians, and Supplemental Instruction Leaders (SIs) to a Canvas course site.

  • Please note: University policy prohibits adding students that are not officially enrolled in a given class to that classes Canvas site. This includes students on the waitlist for a course, those who are in the process of registering, and those who have any other circumstances that might delay their official entrance into the regular class roster. 
  • Anyone (including faculty, staff, or others at the university) being added to a course must have a legitimate business purpose in the course and complete and submit a Learning Management System Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Confidentiality, and Course Material Sharing Acknowledgement before the request will be processed. Once the form is completed, the person will generally be added to the course within two business days.

To request the addition of a person to a Canvas course site, please fill out the CASL Additional Person Request form.

Please note, requests may take one or two business days to fulfill

Sharing course content with faculty colleagues

Faculty members wishing to share course content with a colleague may do so using a shared site setup specifically for this purpose. Contact CASL Digital Education Support at to request a shared site or for more information.

Extending Canvas course access for students with an Incomplete

Access to Canvas courses can be extended for faculty and students who are given an "I" grade once the Incomplete contract has been filled out and signed by the student, instructor, and department (a copy of the completed contract will be required to extend Canvas access). Students with an "I" grade cannot be added to any other course(s) to complete their work. To request an extension of access, email CASL Digital Education Support at

  • This information is aligned with the Classroom and Learning Management System Course Access Policy, approved by the UCDC on December 10, 2015.

Combining course sections in Canvas

Instructors are sometimes assigned to teach multiple sections of the same course in one semester (Ex: PSYC-101-001 and PSYC-101-002).  For easier management of content, announcements, and messaging, the multiple sections can be combined into one Canvas course upon request. Sections can be combined in Canvas if the following conditions are met:

  • The subject and number of the sections must be identical (ex: PSYC-101-001 and PSYC-001-003).
    • If the subject or number of the sections is not identical (different subjects, undergraduate/graduate course numbers, etc), please contact department administration to have the courses officially crosslisted in Banner.  Once courses are crosslisted, they will be treated as a single course in Canvas.  This must be done before the beginning of the term, so please check your course lists in Canvas a few weeks ahead of time to ensure all sections correctly appear in each of your course titles.
  • The instructor(s) of record for all of the sections being combined must be the same and there must not be any TBA instructor designations for any sections or meeting times.
  • The term has not yet started.
  • Department chair approval is obtained (for applicable departments).
  • The request is made by one of the instructors of record.

When sections are combined, there will be one unified Canvas course that will appear under one of the course sections (ex: combined 001, 002, and 003 sections would have a Canvas course titled as the 001 section). Please let students know sections have been combined and the course title in Canvas may appear different than their official registration.

Combining sections will also result in one set of course evaluation results instead of one for each section of the class.  This could affect future reviews (promotion and tenure, LEO annual reviews, etc), so checking with the department chair is recommended before submitting the request to combine sections.

To request combination of sections in Canvas, please fill out the CASL Combine Sections in Canvas form.

Please note, requests may take one to two business days to fulfill

Proctoring guidelines for Online and Hybrid courses

The campus offers some proctoring guidelines for faculty who wish to have a proctored testing option in online or hybrid courses.

Office of Digital Education

1100 - Social Sciences Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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