Dearborn Discovery Core Subcommittee

DDC Subcommittee Charge & Membership

The Dearborn Discovery Core (DDC) Subcommittee of the University Curriculum and Degree Committee functions as the review and approval body for the Dearborn Discovery Core.

See motion establishing the Dearborn Discovery Core Subcommittee.

Chair (Non-voting except to break a tie)

Voting Members:

  • Three tenured faculty representatives from CASL  (3)
  • One tenured faculty representative from CECS (1)
  • One tenured faculty representative from CEHHS (1)
  • One tenured faculty representative from COB (1)

Subcommittee Advisors (non-voting):

  • University Registrar or designee (1)
  • Library Director or designee (1)
  • Director of Admissions or designee (1)
  • Assessment Manager or designee (1)
  • CASL Academic Advising Director (1)
  • COB Academic Advising Director (1)
  • CEHHS Academic Advising Director (1)
  • CECS Academic Advising Director (1)
  • START Advising Director (1)

Current Subcommittee Members

  • Chair: Barbara Klein
  • Co-Chair: Wessam Elmeligi
  • Nancy Wrobel, CASL [08/31/2025]
  • Matt Heinicke, CASL [08/31/2024]
  • Francia Martinez Valencia, CASL [08/31/2026]
  • Birhanu Eshete, CECS [08/31/2023]
  • LaShorage Shaffer, CEHHS [08/31/2026]
  • Elif Izberk-Bilgin, COB [08/31/2024]

Dearborn Discovery Core meetings will be held three-four times each academic year.
*There will be no Summer meetings.

2024-2025 Application Deadlines

View the DDC Course and Application Review Process

Fall 2024 Deadlines 

  • Friday, September 13
  • Friday, October 4


Past meeting minutes that have been approved by the committee can be found here.