The Academy of Retired Faculty and Staff of UM-Dearborn
The University of Michigan-Dearborn Academy of Retired Faculty and Staff (ARFS) is an organization for the retirees of UM-Dearborn. It was created in 2008 to serve the needs of the retired campus community.
What is the Academy all about? Remembering the good times with our colleagues, friends, and students, and encouraging mutual support and intellectual cooperation between the campus and its retirees. The Academy is here to keep the flame of educational excellence and campus memories alive for the next generation.
More about ARFS
You are cordially invited to join the Academy of Retired Faculty and Staff, an organization created in 2008 by retirees to serve the needs of the retired campus community.
Each of you has devoted much of your life to making the Dearborn campus a great educational institution. We have all done our part in building one of the greatest inventions of the ages – the modern university! By ourselves, we hardly mattered. Working together, we achieved something bigger and better than ourselves, and isn’t that what life is all about? And that is what the Academy is all about – remembering the good times with our colleagues, friends, and students, and encouraging mutual support and intellectual cooperation between the campus and its retirees. The Academy is here to keep the flame of educational excellence and campus memories alive for the next generation.
Join us if you can, while you can, as often as you can, and help us bridge the gap between those who have gone before us, those currently keeping the faith on campus, and those who will come after. We welcome your membership! Check out our activities and social events and find those activities that work for you. Come often or occasionally, but JOIN and STAY CONNECTED!
To contact or join ARFS, email the President or Secretary listed below.
Position | Last Name | First Name | Email address |
President | Heaney | Roma | |
Vice-President | James | David | |
Secretary | Anderson | Don | |
Treasurer | Baum | Alan | |
Past-President | Matthei | Barbara | |
Past-President | Snabb | Tom | |
Board Member | Cushnier | Susan | |
Board Member | Foss | Peggy | |
Board Member | Stockton | Ron |
The University of Michigan-Dearborn
Academy of Retired Faculty and Staff
Dearborn, Michigan
Article I Name
The name of this organization shall be "The University of Michigan-Dearborn Academy of Retired Faculty and Staff," hereinafter referred to as "the Academy."
Article II Purposes
The Academy shall exist for the following purposes:
- To create a meaningful organization of the University of Michigan-Dearborn retirees;
- To encourage a relationship of mutual support and intellectual exchange between the UM-Dearborn and its retirees; and
- To promote the UM-Dearborn and its programs.
Article III Membership
Section A Eligibility
1. All retired faculty and staff, part time and full time.
2. All faculty and staff who have reached the age of 62 but are not yet retired.
3. All faculty and staff who were formerly employed by the UM-Dearborn but not retired from it and have reached the age of 62.
4. Spouses or surviving spouses or significant others of those who are eligible for membership by virtue of subsections 1-3 above.
Section B Dues
The initial annual dues and any subsequent changes in the amount shall be proposed by the Executive Committee (see Article IV.B) and be subject to approval by the general membership. After the original determination, action on dues shall take place at the Annual Meeting (see Article VI.B). The dues shall cover the fiscal year (see Article VIII.A).
Article IV Officers and Executive Committee
Section A Officers
The Academy shall have four officers, namely, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, with the usual responsibilities and functions of such officials. Their terms of office shall be for one year. The person elected Vice President shall automatically succeed to the office of the President the next year, unless the President is re-elected. The officers shall be elected at the May meeting from a slate prepared by an ad hoc nominating committee staffed by the Executive Committee in April of each year.
Section B Executive Committee
There shall be an Executive Committee that will manage the day-to-day business of the Academy. It shall consist of the four officers, the immediate past President, and three at-large members who shall also be elected at the May Meeting.
Article V Committees
With the consent of the other members of the Executive Committee, the President may create and staff such committees as he or she deems appropriate, specifying the purpose and expected duration.
Article VI Meetings
Section A General Meetings
There shall be general meetings of the membership each year, the agendas and times to be determined by the Executive Committee, with a view to providing opportunities for the intellectual and social exchanges, programs, and other interactions appropriate to the Academy.
Section B Annual Meetings
There shall be an annual meeting of the Academy in October of each year, at which at least budgetary matters shall be scheduled.
Section C Spring Meetings
There shall be an annual meeting of the Academy in May of each year, at which at least elections shall be scheduled.
Article VII Voting
Section A Entitlement to Vote
Each member present at a meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote for the election of officers and for all matters considered by the Academy.
Section B Quorum
Regardless of the numbers, all members in attendance at an official meeting shall constitute a quorum, and all actions shall require a simple majority for approval.
Article VIII Finances
Section A Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Academy shall be from October 1st through September 30th of the following year.
Section B Funds
Funds of the Academy shall be handled through an account created by and supervised by the Executive Committee of the Academy. The Treasurer and one other Executive Committee member shall have the authority to sign checks on the account. All checks over $200 shall require approval of the Executive Committee.
Section C Budget
A budget for the upcoming year shall be prepared annually by the Executive Committee in September of each year and be presented to the membership for appropriate action at the October meeting. It shall detail expected income and expenditures for the fiscal year just beginning.
Article IX Amendments
These By-laws may be amended by a majority of the members present at a meeting. A copy of the proposed changes must be distributed prior to the meeting involved, along with usual notice and/or agenda. Changes shall take effect immediately.
These By-laws were approved at a meeting of the Academy dated February 8, 2008.
They were amended at the following meetings:
October 2014,
October 2018,
October 2019.
CASL Administration
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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