Research opportunities and practice-based learning projects offer students additional academic experiences to enhance their education.
Undergraduate Research
Virtually every CASL program offers students the opportunity to engage in independent study or research under the direction of a faculty member. Selected CASL students have the opportunity to present their research projects for the entire UM-Dearborn campus to enjoy at the Undergraduate Research and Project-based Learning Showcase.
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program is designed to guide undergraduate students in the practice of research and expose them to potential educational and research-oriented career paths. This is accomplished through faculty mentorship and training while students participate in a faculty member’s research or scholarly project.
Faculty members submit a project application that identifies a student researcher. If awarded, the student researcher receives a summer stipend of $3,200 while they work on the SURE project (this work does not count for academic credit). Students generally work 15-20 hours per week over the course of 8-12 weeks in the summer. Students are also required to attend professional development sessions throughout the summer and present their work at the SURE Showcase in the fall.
Through this experience, the program aims to provide students with the opportunity to participate in individual research projects; to learn about the life of an active researcher; to learn about research-oriented careers; and to develop a long-term mentor relationship.
Virtual Undergraduate Research Presentations
CASL students' virtual research presentations - work done through classwork, lab assignments, or an independent study. Because students did not have the opportunity to present their work in class or at conferences during spring and summer 2020, the college has set up this site for viewing their work remotely.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Resources and Events
Resources for faculty and students who are looking to expand their understanding and use of GIS tools and analysis in classes, research, and administrative applications, both within CASL and across the campus. You will also find information regarding the annual event, GIS Day.