MOHA Presentation II

Presentation II: The Settlement and Integration of Latinos in Michigan

Abstract: This session focuses on the experiences of Latinos settling down in Michigan and on how they integrated into their larger communities. The papers in the panel examine the lives of Latinos who left the migrant stream to stay in Michigan and those who promoted and maintained their culture through music. Through interviews with Latinos 50 years and older we provide a comprehensive view on their reasons for settling in Michigan. These oral history interviews provide the reasons some of Latinos settled in Michigan and shed light on the processes of community integration and what these experiences were like for them and other Latinos at the time. This session also examines the role of Latino music in promoting community integration in Michigan. Music was a tool for creating cultural spaces that facilitated a sense of community among new residents. It not only brought people together at dance halls and community events, it promoted a sense of belonging among them. In sum, this session examines the settlement of the Latino population in Michigan and the processes that facilitated their integration into their new communities of residence.

Q&A Session

Discussant: Rubén O. Martinez, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Julian Samora Research Institute, Michigan State University.