Spotlight on CASL staff member April Marvin

October 18, 2024

Enjoy the following Q&A with April Marvin, Digital Marketing and Content Specialist for CASL in the dean's office. 

April Marvin feature

Name: April Marvin
Position: Digital Marketing and Content Specialist
Time at UM-Dearborn: 1 year on November 8, 2024

What does a typical workday look like for you? 

Typical doesn’t exist for me – but there are a few constants, one being managing social media metrics and analytics along with creating social media content. I have a lot of meetings regarding marketing our programming, I continuously work on our website, marketing and print materials, and digital footprint daily. I am such a list maker, but with this job my list grows every single day, and I have to pivot a lot. But I will say this – one thing that is consistent – I end up talking about my chickens usually once each day. 

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love creating content and storytelling – I have a ton of content that is waiting in the wings from fun videos to student stories, faculty features, and so much more. It really is a perk of the job to be able to feature so many wonderful things about CASL. Most of all, I enjoy the people – from conversations with our wonderful faculty to connecting with our staff in CASL and in the dean’s office, I love to connect with people, laugh and make others laugh and feel valued, too. Also, being able to help someone have their programming and/or story come to life on the screen through dynamic photography, writing, and so much more really is fun and rewarding. 

What was your first job?

My first job was at an ice cream shop called Scoops N’ More. I hated scooping the hard ice cream but loved making blizzards! I always added extra toppings for people (maybe that’s why they went out of business?!) 

What do you do to relax?

I need to do more relaxing, but I love to sit outside with my chickens. I have 32 sweet hens that are quite spoiled with a very fancy coop and even a wall of family photos (and they all have names). I also really enjoy music – it tends to be there for me anytime I need something to calm me down, relax me, or pump me up! I also am a crafter, so doing hand calligraphy and other crafty things makes me feel relaxed. 

If you could have any one skill or talent that you don’t already have, what would it be?

I would say to either be able to play an instrument (outside of the ol’ recorder and hot cross buns) or to be good at math. I love to sing, and I often perform air guitar and air drums when I am really rocking out, but I wish I really knew how to play. And, math, well, thanks to smart phones I don’t have to do too much, but I just don’t have the bandwidth in my brain to comprehend all of those numbers – and I am amazed at the people who do!

What’s the proudest moment of your life? 

Graduating. I stepped away from college and took a long time off, working across the state in corporate retail, but I always regretted leaving and thought I would never make it back to complete my undergraduate degree. I came back to UM-Dearborn in 2021 and finished strong. It was a full-circle moment and something that I find important to talk about because we all deserve (and sometimes need) second and even third chances. It’s hard to know what you want to do for your life at 18yrs old, and I had enough time and space not only to decide what I wanted but also to appreciate the subjects and courses I was immersed in when I came back. Speaking at commencements was a moment I will never forget – I got to share my journey and also reiterate how important our voices are for the future; we only need to use them! 

If we were to create a UM-Dearborn playlist, what song would you want to include?

This is the hardest question because of my musical interests. I would say Taylor Swift must be on there and it would be “The Man” – supporting strong women in all the academic, leadership, and community spaces. And I would add anything Dolly Parton because she is a literal queen.  

Where is your favorite place on campus?

I love the Chancellor’s pond and how peaceful it is in fall, spring, and summer. But I also have to give a shout-out to CASL and our Natural Sciences Department – have you seen the geode collection in the SLRC?! It is STUNNING – and for a girl that loves rocks, it’s paradise. 

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I was very involved in singing and acting for quite some time. I was in musicals like West Side Story & Guys and Dolls, along with productions of Romeo & Juliet and The Vagina Monologues. I sang in several choirs from a young age to recently, and even sang at the wedding of a friend. 

What quote or slogan do you live by?

A person’s most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help others. 

What’s one thing you wish you had known when you were a teenager?

The negative opinions others have of you don’t matter, and they won’t serve any good purpose for you. Nearly 100% of the time when someone dislikes you it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. So, keep shining, straighten your crown, and never be afraid to be your true authentic self!

CASL Administration

2002 - College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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Phone: 313-593-5490
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