Modern and Classical Languages

Modern and Classical Languages (M&CL) offers courses in: Ancient Greek, Arabic, Armenian, French, German, Latin, Spanish, and International Studies.

Modern and Classical Languages (M&CL) offers courses in: Arabic, French, German, Latin, Spanish, and International Studies.

Majors are available in French and Spanish

Minors are available in Arabic, French, and Spanish.

M&CL also offers a major in International Studies, combining coursework in Arabic, French, German, or Spanish with a concentration in one of the following  professional areas:  Art Administration, Business and Management, Communications, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Natural Sciences, or Political Science (International Affairs).  These programs are designed to enable concentrators to take practical advantage of the study of a language.

The Modern and Classical Languages Discipline values:
  • Diversity
  • Mutual respect and tolerance
  • Intellectual curiosity

As part of its educational mission, it promotes:

  • Global citizenship
  • An understanding of complex issues and challenges facing the world in the 21st century
  • Critical thinking based on facts and evidence-based inquiry

In an inclusive classroom, the discipline members create opportunities for respectful exchanges and cooperative endeavors among students from different backgrounds, lifestyles, and sexual orientations.

The 5 skills you need to be successful

The soft skills valued by employers are byproducts of foreign language acquisition.