CECS Online

Supporting teaching and learning anywhere

CECS Online LogoCECS faculty and staff are dedicated to providing quality education through delivery methods that can accommodate each student's dynamic lifestyle.  CECS Online courses are offered asynchronously, providing the flexibility that students require.  Students enrolled in online courses view recorded lectures, participate in optional synchronous discussions, submit assignments and complete assessments using Canvas, the UM-Dearborn learning management system. Online students are not required to come to campus.   Online students receive the same course content, are assigned the same coursework and complete the same assessments.  Although flexible, CECS online courses are not self-paced.  Students must meet designated deadlines and due dates as indicated by the instructor.

There is no distinction between degrees earned online and degrees earned on campus, but students must declare their intention to enroll in either the online or campus program at the time of application.

Graduate Degree Programs and Certificates

Most CECS master's level graduate degree programs and certificate courses can be completed online.

Undergraduate Online Course Offerings

A select group of CECS undergraduate courses are available online.  Please check the course schedule for semester offerings.

How To Reach The CECS Online Team

CECS Online staff work a hybrid schedule, conducting university business in-person and virtually.

Our offices are located on the second floor of the Professional Education Center.  The CECS Video Production Studio is located in 1310 Professional Education Center.

Virtual Options

  • Email the team at UMD-CECSOnline@umich.edu
  • Email a team member directly at their email addresses found under Our Staff
  • Telephone a team member directly at their office number found under Our Staff.  Messages are monitored and responded to as soon as possible
  • Zoom Meeting by appointment



CECS Online

2000 - Professional Education Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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