Laboratories & Facilities
Explore Our Renowned Labs and Facilities
At the College of Engineering and Computer Science, students use different computer and engineering laboratories and equipment as part of their program courses to test, apply, and practice what they are learning. Students have the opportunity to gain hands-on learning experience in the classroom and by partnering with faculty as research assistants.

Tony England Engineering Lab Building (TEELB)
Our state-of-the-art Tony England Engineering Lab Building (TEELB) stands as a beacon of this visionary journey, a cutting-edge space that redefines education through interactivity and value creation.

Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems (IAVS)
The College of Engineering and Computer Science created the Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems to conduct applied research in product design, development and manufacturing of advanced vehicle systems.

Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex (HPEC)
The Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex (HPEC) at the University of Michigan-Dearborn is a state-of-the-art facility designed to enhance engineering education and research. Named in honor of entrepreneur and philanthropist Heinz Prechter, the complex supports a wide range of engineering disciplines with advanced laboratories, collaborative workspaces, and modern classrooms.

Manufacturing Systems Engineering Lab (MSEL)
The Manufacturing Systems Engineering Lab specializes in optimizing advanced manufacturing processes through technology and data analytics. Focused on robotics, automation, and smart systems, the lab aims to improve efficiency and sustainability in manufacturing.

Computer Information Science (CIS)
Modern computer laboratory facilities are essential in preparing students for professional positions in the world of computer science and software engineering practice and research. CIS hosts a variety of renowned labs, preparing students for professional positions in the world of computer science and software engineering practice and research.
Key Requests and Building Access
The safety and security of every department in CECS is our highest priority.
- Only staff and faculty members should submit key requests.
- If a student needs a key or access to your office/lab, a faculty or staff member must submit the request on their behalf.
- Students must first complete Comprehensive Lab Safety Training before being granted access to labs. This training must be taken every year. Contact one of the DACs below to confirm whether a student's training is current.
- Students will not receive key access to teaching labs. Instead, please submit building access or short term access forms when necessary.
CECS Department Access Coordinators: Faith Olson
To ensure the timely processing of access requests, starting immediately, CECS Faculty and Staff must use the following forms to request access.
Information to note
- Requests will be processed Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Requests submitted after twelve PM on Tuesday or Thursday are not guaranteed to be processed. i.e. If you submit a request at 1 pm on Tuesday it may not be processed until Thursday. Please plan accordingly.
- Reason must be provided for DAC to provide MCard access outside of standard building hours
- Extended weekend critical access hours are 7 am - 9 pm.
- Only faculty and staff are allowed to request access. Students must have faculty or staff submit on their behalf.
- 24/7 access is not allowed.
Current Request Process
Step 1: Complete Comprehensive Lab Safety Training [If you are requesting access to a lab]
Step 2: Submit the request to your Department Access Coordinator (DAC) using the Key or MCard request form. DAC's will no longer be accepting access requests through e-mail.
Step 3: You will be notified if your Department approves, or not. If your Department approves, they will forward the request to Facilities Operations.
Step 4: You will be notified if the request is approved and processed by Facilities Operations, or not. Do not come to campus until you have been sent an email approval.