CECS Faculty and Staff Resources

Resources available for the faculty and staff of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact the Dean's Office.


  • Teaching and Learning Resources
  • Recognition for Faculty, Staff, and Students
  • Promotion and Tenure
  • LEO Lecturer Resources
  • Staff Performance Planning and Appraisal Resources
  • Administrative Core Team (ACT)
  • Faculty Travel Grants
  • Key Requests and Building Access
  • CECS Lab or Office Space Request

Recognition for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Promotion and Tenure

The CECS Promotion and Tenure guidelines for 2024-25 will be released at a later date. Casebooks will be routed through the Interfolio system. Please direct any questions to cecsdeansoffice@umich.edu


LEO Lecturer Resources

All lecturers teaching at the University of Michigan are subject to the terms and conditions of a collective bargaining agreement between The University of Michigan and the Lecturers’ Employee Organization, AFT Michigan Local 6244, AFL-CIO.  Below are some resources you may find helpful.

Staff Performance Planning & Evaluation Resources

In addition to providing a formal assessment of performance for the last year, the performance evaluation provides an opportunity to recognize individual staff successes and achievements, as well as identifying areas for future growth and development.  All supervisors are responsible for conducting an evaluation of assigned staff members by completing a written staff performance evaluation form and reviewing the information with the individual.  The required forms can be accessed using the following links.


Administrative Core Team (ACT)

The Administrative Core Team (ACT) combines the skills and talents of the generalists in each unit who perform a large variety of administrative transactions independently into a team of experts working together as one cohesive unit to provide quality, timely service to the CECS community. Please see this page for contact information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Your transactional needs will be met by a team assigned to a particular service area instead on one individual assigned to your unit. A lead team member will be automatically assigned, along with designated back-up in case of necessity. Your request will be addressed within a published time frame (usually 1-2 business days), and updates communicated to you throughout the process.

How do I request service?

Our team has created a series of online request forms unique to each functional area.  If there are any questions or additional information needed regarding your request a team member will contact you directly. Area request forms are linked below:

Faculty Travel Grants

CECS Faculty Travel Grants provide support to faculty for travel, hotel, and per diem to present their research at professional or academic conferences. These awards should be used to supplement funds available from departments or faculty projects.This funding is available once per fiscal year to CECS tenured or tenured-track faculty who are presenting at a national or international professional or academic conference.

Key Requests and Building Access

The safety and security of every department in CECS is our highest priority. 

  • Only staff and faculty members should submit key requests. 
  • If a student needs a key or access to your office/lab, a faculty or staff member must submit the request on their behalf.
  • Students must first complete Comprehensive Lab Safety Training before being granted access to labs. This training must be taken every year. 
  • Students will not receive key access to teaching labs. Instead, please submit building access or short term access forms when necessary.
  • If requesting key access to space from another CECS department you must have approval from that department office.

CECS Department Access Coordinators: Faith Olson (folson@umich.edu) or Eric Kirk (erk@umich.edu)

CECS Lab or Office Space Request

Please use the Lab or Office Space Request form to request lab and office space. Requests will be reviewed upon submission. Decisions will be made by the Space Committee, which meets monthly.

Event Request or Meeting Request: 

To reserve a room or space for an event or meeting please use the University Unions & Events form.

Office of the Dean

2180 - Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map
Phone: 313-593-5290
Fax: 313-593-9967