Advising, Registration, and Forms
CECS Current Graduate Student Information
Academic advising is primarily done by faculty advisors with expertise in the area and with the support of our knowledgeable graduate staff. Our collaborative advising model not only addresses accessibility and availability but also provides a comprehensive and effective advising experience for our graduate students.
This page offers a list of relevant resources for current master's and doctoral students. You will find:
- Advising, Registration, and Academic Planning Resources
- Internship Guidelines
- Special Requests and Petitions Information and Forms
- Most Requested Forms
- CECS Graduate Programs Staff
Additional guidance is located on the Path to the Degree page. Graduate students should feel free to contact the department's graduate program coordinator for assistance with questions not answered here.
Master's Degree Student Advising
A list of faculty advisors by department and program is provided below. Additional information and resources are located under Path to Degree.
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Mohamed Abouelenien Office 213 CIS
Kimberly LaPere T:313-436-9145 Office:105 CIS (Program Coordinator)
Computer and Information Science
Dr. Jinhua Guo Office: 211 CIS
Kimberly LaPere T:313-436-9145 Office:105 CIS (Program Coordinator)
Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
Dr. Birhanu Eshete Office: 229 CIS
Kimberly LaPere T:313-436-9145 Office:105 CIS (Program Coordinator)
Data Science
Dr. Jie Shen Office: 207 CIS
Sherry Boyd T:313-593-5582 Office:20000 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Software Engineering
Dr. Zhiwei (Tommy) Xu Office: 216 CIS
Kimberly LaPere T:313-436-9145 Office:105 CIS (Program Coordinator)
MSE-Computer Engineering:
Program Director:
Dr. Wencong Su Office: 2060 IAVS
Program Advisors:
Dr. H. Malik Office: 2065 ELB
Dr. S. Rawashdeh Office: 2047 ELB
Dr. A. Shaout Office: 2070 IAVS
Michael Hicks T:313-593-5420 Office:2050 IAVS (Program Coordinator)
MSE-Electrical Engineering:
Program Director:
Dr. Wencong Su Office: 2060 IAVS
Program Advisors:
Dr. S. Awad Office: 2055 ELB
Dr. A. Hafeez Office : 2080 IAVS
Dr. J. Hong Office: 2072 IAVS
Michael Hicks T:313-593-5420 Office:2050 IAVS (Program Coordinator)
MSE-Energy Systems & Sustainability Engineering:
Program Director:
Dr. T. Kim Office: 2031 ELB
Program Advisors:
Dr. C. Lee Office: 2241 HPEC
Dr. G. Reyes-Villanueva Office: 1292 HPEC
Michael Hicks T:313-593-5420 Office:2050 IAVS (Program Coordinator)
MSE-Robotics Engineering:
Program Director:
Dr. A. Mohammadi Office: 2057 ELB
Program Advisors:
Dr. J. Kwon Office: 2069 ELB
Dr. S. Rawashdeh Office: 2047 ELB
Michael Hicks T:313-593-5420 Office:2050 IAVS (Program Coordinator)
Engineering Management
Dr. Abdallah Chehade Office: 2280 HPEC
Joey Woods T: 313-593-5361 Office: 2340 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Human-Centered Design and Engineering
Dr. Sang-Hwan Kim Office: 2230 HPEC
Joey Woods T: 313-593-5361 Office: 2340 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Industrial Systems Engineering
Dr. Bochen Jia Office: 2260 HPEC
Joey Woods T: 313-593-5361 Office: 2340 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Information Systems Technology
Dr. Onur Ulgen Office: 2310 HPEC
Joey Woods T: 313-593-5361 Office: 2340 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Dr. Cheol Lee Office: 2241 HPEC
Joey Woods T: 313-593-5361 Office: 2340 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Program and Project Management
Dr. Shan Bao Office: 2340 HPEC
Joey Woods T: 313-593-5361 Office: 2340 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Automotive and Mobility Systems Engineering
Dr. Taehyun Shim Office: 3041 ELB
Sherry Boyd T:313-593-5582 Office: 2000 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Dr. Mathumai Kanapathipillai Office : 3065 ELB
Rebekah Awood T: 313-593-5241 Office:2000 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Materials Science and Engineering
Dr. German Reyes-Villanueva Office: 3029 ELB
Rebekah Awood T: 313-593-5241 Office:2000 HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Hong Tae Kang Office: 3031 ELB
Rebekah Awood T: 313-593-5241 Office:2000HPEC (Program Coordinator)
Course Registration
Term Registration Maximum Policy
The maximum credits any CECS graduate student may register for is nine (9) credits each term. Registration above the maximum requires a petition.
To assist with academic planning and registration, you may use the following resources:
- To check your progress towards your degree - Degree Works
- To view this semester's courses and register - My UM-Dearborn
Academic Planning Resources
Use the academic calendar to see important dates, including the last day to drop and add courses.
Special Requests and Petitions
For more information, or if you are in need of assistance, please contact your department's graduate staff.
Graduate Guidelines for CPT, OPT & Doctoral Summer Internships
Please note that students are required to adhere to any additional department guidelines or policies regarding CPT/OPT and Doctoral Summer Internships.
Students interested in applying for CPT should strictly adhere to the following procedures:
Effective from Winter 2021
- Students must be enrolled full-time for two consecutive semesters prior to CPT. Summer can be counted if it is enrolled full-time.
- Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above (good academic standing) to apply.
Procedure and Documents required to apply:
- Deadlines for CPT applications follow the campus registration Add/Drop deadlines. After the deadline, applicants must submit petitions to their department chair for approval and petitions have to be submitted within the first four weeks of the semester.
- Applicants must obtain a job offer letter from the prospective employer. The letter must include:
- Be printed on company letterhead showing company address (site name and detail location address if different than the company’s address most be provided)
- Indicate the job title and describe the work the student will do (job has to be in the student’s field of study)
- Indicate specific start date of employment (and end date, if applicable)
- Indicate the number of hours the student will work per week
- Applicants must provide a written statement that clearly indicates how CPT is a good opportunity for improving their educational experience (that is, how the concepts learned in their coursework will be applied through employment).
- Applicants should bring all CPT related forms and documents to their home departments Graduate Programs Coordinator to request approval and they will obtain signatures from the chair.
- Students must apply for CPT authorization through the International Office website:
Course Enrollment Requirements:
- Full time CPT (working 21 or more hours/week): CPT ENGR 500 (1 credit hour) + minimum of 3 credit hours enrollment in coursework related to major
- Part time CPT (working 20 or fewer hours/week): CPT ENGR 501(1 credit hour) + minimum of 6 credit hours enrollment in course work related to major
Students Completing CPT:
- At the end of each semester when ENGR 500 or ENGR 501 is enrolled, students must provide a written report to the chair of their home department describing how the knowledge gained from their coursework has been implemented during their work experience. This report will be used to assign a pass/fail grade for the CPT course.
- Students must re-apply for CPT every semester (see procedure above).
- The total duration of CPT should be no more than 365 days.
All students interested in applying for OPT:
- Optional Practical Training (OPT) Requirements
All students interested in applying for OPT should strictly adhere to the following procedures:
1. Must be registered full-time and have completed at least one academic year in a degree-seeking program.
2. Can perform OPT as:
- Pre-Completion OPT
- Full-or part-time OPT during summer vacation
- Part-time OPT only while school is in session and students must be registered full-time
- Post-Completion OPT after completion of coursework (excluding thesis or the equivalent)
3. Must apply for OPT before completion of study.
4. Must complete the OPT application documents located on the OIA website:
Requirements for Application Request:
- Internships are not allowed during the Fall and Winter terms during the doctoral studies.
- If the faculty advisor or department does not have (GSI /GSRA) funding to support doctoral students during the summer, the student may apply for an internship during the summer term only.
- The internship application should be endorsed by the Faculty Advisor and the Program Director/Committee.
- Internship work is encouraged to be closely related to the dissertation research or related to the faculty advisor‘s research funding.
- Applicants must be in good academic standing and making good progress towards the degree.
- The student is responsible to pay for the internship course credit and any related fees required.
- International students are required to register for the CPT course, ENGR 500. Credits for ENGR 500 will not count toward any doctoral degree requirements.
Fall 2024:
For students who register for a CPT course in Fall 2024:
Application deadline: September 16th, 2024 (campus Add/Drop Deadline)
Last day to submit a petition: October 1, 2024 (within 4 weeks after instruction/semester begins on September 3rd, 2024)
Winter 2025:
For students who register for a CPT course in Winter 2025:
Application Deadline : January 17, 2025 (campus Add/Drop Deadline)
Last day to submit a petition: February 3th, 2025 (within 4 weeks after instruction/semester begins on January 6th)
Summer 2024:
Full Summer Semester :
Application deadline: May 17, 2024 (campus Add/Drop Deadline)
Last day to submit a petition: June 3rd, 2024 (within 4 weeks after instruction/semester begins on May 6 )
Summer I Semester:
Application deadline: May 10, 2024 (campus Add/Drop Deadline)
Last day to submit a petition: June 3rd, 2024 (within 4 weeks after instruction/semester begins on May 6)
Summer II Semester:
Application deadline: July 8, 2024 (campus Add/Drop Deadline)
Last day to submit a petition: July 29th, 2024 (within 4 weeks after instruction/semester begins on July 1)
Ph.D. Student Advising
Ph.D. students receive advising from the assigned Faculty/Research Advisor and Mentor. If you have not identified your Faculty Advisor, please contact your department Ph.D. Program Chair for advising. Students are required to meet with the Faculty Advisor to complete the Plan of Study within the first term and at a minimum, once a year to complete the Annual Progress Review.
For additional online information, guidance, and forms for the Ph.D. review the Path to the Degree page.