College Administration
Resources for CECS faculty, staff and students related to college administration.
If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact the Dean's Office.
Governing and Advisory Bodies
For more detail on the college's governing and advisory bodies, please refer to the CECS Bylaws.
"The Executive Committee is charged with investigating and formulating educational, research, and instructional policies for consideration by The Faculty, and it shall act for The College in matters related to curriculum, budget, promotions, appointments, facilities, academic and disciplinary appeals, and other affairs." (CECS Bylaws, Section V.2.)
Department | Representative | Term End |
CECS | Ghassan Kridli, Dean (Ex officio) Di Ma, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research Brahim Medjahed, Associate Dean for Undergrad Education and Associate Dean of Rackham Graduate School | |
Computer and Information Science | Zhiwei Xu, alternate | 8/31/2025 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Mengqi Wang, Alternate | 8/31/2026 |
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Cheol Lee, Alternate | 8/31/2027 |
Mechanical Engineering | Youngki Kim, alternate | 8/31/2026 |
At-Large | Zhen Hu, Alternate | 8/31/2027
CECS Senate Liaison | Yubao Chen |
"The Administrative Council shall provide a means of maintaining communication throughout The College, its members being responsible for relaying information disseminated at the meetings. The Administrative Council shall review, discuss, and advise on matters that concern the interests and welfare of The College, including the recommendations of the Curriculum Coordinating Committee." (CECS Bylaws, Section V.5.)
Current membership:
- Ghassan Kridli, Dean (ex officio)
- Brahim Medjahed, Associate Dean for Undergrad Education and Associate Dean of Rackham Graduate School
- Di Ma, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research
- John Cristiano, Assistant Dean - Research Development and Strategic Initiatives
- Faith Olson, Interim Director of Facilities and Laboratory Safety
- Lauren Paton, Director of Business Operations
- Lisa Remsing Hall, Director, Office of Advising and Academic Success
- Sue Guinn, Director, CECS Online
- Kelly Cronin, Director of Development, College of Engineering and Computer Science
- Wencong Su, Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Oleg Zikanov, Chair, Mechanical Engineering
- Shan Bao, Chair, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Jie Shen, Interim Chair, Computer of Information Science
- Kas Kasravi, Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
"There shall be two College of Engineering and Computer Science Curriculum Coordinating Committees: an Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinating Committee and a Graduate Curriculum Coordinating Committee. The membership of each of these two committees shall consist of one faculty member from each academic department, selected by the Department Chairs, and an at-large representative appointed by the Dean from The Faculty. The departmental members will be appointed by the Dean to staggered three-year terms, each term to begin on September 1. The at-large representative shall have an indeterminate term of office and shall have the special responsibility to maintain an in-depth knowledge of the status of the common core courses required of all engineering students and the non-technical electives of most interest to engineering students. A faculty member may serve concurrently as a department representative on both curriculum coordinating committees.
An alternate member for each of the regular members shall also be appointed. The term of the alternate member shall be the same as the term of the regular member. The alternate member shall attend meetings in the absence of the regular member.
Each of the two Curriculum Coordinating Committees shall be chaired by a designated Associate Dean or a faculty representative appointed by the Dean. The Committees shall (1) serve as the focal points for the approval of new courses and modifications to existing courses; (2) serve as the focal points for discussion and suggesting changes in the curricula of the College, including new programs, modifications to existing programs, and changes in required courses that are offered by other academic units and (3) periodically request department faculties to reexamine their curricula or specific courses." (CECS Bylaws, Section V.6.)
The committees meet once per month, September through April.
Department | Membership | Term End |
Committee Chairs | Brahim Medjahed, Undergraduate Di Ma, Graduate | |
Computer and Information Science | Shengquan Wang, Undergraduate Jinhua Guo, Graduate | |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Adnan Shaout Selim Awad (Alternate) | |
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Onur Ulgen Zhen Hu, alternate | |
Mechanical Engineering | Hong-Tae Kang, Graduate Taehyun Shim, Graduate Alt Eric Ratts, Undergraduate Yi Zhang, Undergraduate Alt | |
At-Large | Alireza Mohammadi, Undergraduate Dohoy Jung, Graduate | Indeterminate |
"The term Governing Faculty with right to vote shall include those members of the College who have tenured and tenure track faculty appointments as professors, associate professors, or assistant professors. The governing faculty shall also include instructors and lecturers who hold appointments of one-half time or more, provided, however, that such instructors and lecturers may vote at faculty meetings only if they have held appointments for more than one year and are authorized to vote by the professorial staff of the College. The term The Faculty used in these rules means Governing Faculty of The College. Instructors and lecturers of more than one year standing and members of the teaching staff, research staff, and professional staff may be designated as members of The Faculty by a majority vote of governing faculty members present and voting at any governing faculty meeting of The College. Those so designated will remain members of The Faculty until termination of employment in The College or until such time as their status is revoked by a majority vote of The Faculty present and voting at any governing faculty meeting of The College." (CECS Bylaws, Section II.1.)
Alternate Faculty Secretary: Alireza Mohammadi
The Governing Faculty meets four times per year: October, November, February, and March.