Events & Awards

Career Development Workshops

The CECS Experiential Learning Office is holding one-hour virtual zoom career development workshops to learn more about the following throughout the semester:


Co-op for Degree Credit, Create a "Winning Resume" & "Interviewing", How to find a Co-op - Career Connections, Employer Informational, Experiential Honors Program 

To learn more and register for events see "calendar of events' below.    Any questions, contact:

Co-op Recognition & Career-Related Campus Events

Every year, The College of Engineering and Computer Science selects a student who has exceeded the expectations of their co-op employer by providing excellent contributions and dedication to the on-going success of the company is chosen as the CECS Cooperative Education Student of the Year. The winning student receives a cash award and a plaque to memorialize his/her accomplishments and recognition. 

Additionally, the college selects two employers one as The Co-op Employer of the Year and another for their Dedication to Cooperative Education. These awards are given to employer partners who collectively uphold their outstanding contributions and commitment to the field of engineering experiential learning. 

During each semester employers are invited to engage with our engineering & computer science students thru workshops, informational, career-related virtual events.  To learn more or set up a virtual campus event to recruit students contact

2020 "Co-Op Student of the Year"

Kawthar Badran

Kawthar Badran, Software Engineering major

Congratulations to Kawthar Badran, senior Software Engineering student, and winner of the 2020 Co-op Student of the Year Award. Kawthar completed multiple co-op semesters as a Software Developer Intern at Ancor Information Management, a leading Tier 1 Automotive supplier of data management and VIN specific label solutions based in Troy, Michigan.

Kawthar was nominated by supervisor Deric Jones, Director of Information Technology for her exceptional performance and capabilities demonstrated throughout her co-op terms.

Past CECS Co-op Award Winners

SAE Team visit Ford's Wind Tunnel

Ford helps University of Michigan-Dearborn' SAE Race Team to study aerodynamics by allowing them invaluable access to its world-class wind tunnel, along with the expertise of its engineers. 

CECS Advising Suite: Experiential Learning & Cooperative Education

Students and employers any additional questions you may have regarding internships, cooperative educations and career development events on campus please contact us at the email below: 

Engineering Lab Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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