DTE Power Electronics and Electric Drives Lab

The DTE Power Electronics Laboratory was developed through a grant of $190,000 from DTE Energy, a matching grant from NSF, and an internal matching grant.

It is equipped with the-state-of-the-art power electronics facilities, including induction, PM and DC motors, universal power converter modules, DSPACE real-time control systems, power and spectrum analyzers, digital oscilloscopes, voltage and current probes, and accessory testing equipment. The lab allows the faculty and students to pursue power electronics for alternate sources of energy, including fuel cells and hybrid vehicles.

Student enrollment in power electronics courses has grown significantly over the past five years, reflecting the increasing public interest in energy conservation and environment protection. The lab allows the electrical and computer engineering department to deepen its curriculum and strengthen it through additional educational and research projects. The faculty team has developed several research projects addressing electric motor control with industrial and automotive applications, power factor correction strategies for industrial and utility systems, regenerative braking, wind power generation systems, hybrid vehicle powertrain, DC-DC converter and inverter systems, and HEV prognostics.

Our Research

The research at the Power and Energy Group is the areas of power electronics, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), and renewable energy systems.

The research is focused on realizing more efficient use of electric energy and exploring the application of new alternative energy sources. Higher efficiency translates to cost saving, stronger economy, and oil independence. The research work related to alternative powered vehicles can help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, thus improve our environment. However, there are still abundant technical challenges in these areas, such as size, cost, and efficiency. Our research is to tackle these challenges.

Our Partners and Sponsors

DTE Power Electronics and Electric Drives Laboratory was established through a $190,000 grant from DTE Energy and an internal matching grant. The research is in the area of power electronics, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), and renewable energy systems.



Available Courses

Courses in the area of energy systems engineering are offered through the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. The college currently offers a masters program in Energy Systems Engineering.