Henry W. Patton Entrepreneurship, Practice and Innovation Center

The mission of HP-EPIC is to be a leader in incorporating engineering practice, design, innovation, and concepts of manufacturing technology at all levels of engineering education, by integrating the teaching environment with the world of practice.


  • Innovative courses and curriculum, especially in design and manufacturing.
  • Enhanced education opportunities for working engineers, integrated with undergraduate, nontraditional, and international programs.
  • A fundamental enhancement of faculty quality and orientation, by interaction with engineers in industry.
  • Affords many students the experience of direct involvement in industry-relevant activity through cooperative education opportunities and participation in collaborative research. Students also derive similar experiences indirectly through curriculum changes and case studies based on the research.
  • An environment for applied research where industrial and university personnel work together.

Research Collaboration

Our faculty conduct research in collaboration with a number of industry partners, including: Ford Motor Company, DENSO North America, DTE Energy, General Motors, TARDEC, TRW, and Kodak.

Faculty Research

Co-Op Education

The College of Engineering and Computer Science Cooperative Education Program at the University of Michigan-Dearborn is a way to close the gap between the role of student and the role of practicing engineer. The idea is to learn about the practice of engineering while you are still in school, not wait until school is over.

Co-op Education

Henry W. Patton

Henry W. Patton II (1926-2003) was a long-time friend and supporter of the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Two years before his death at age 77 he bequeathed $3.6 million to College of Engineering and Computer Science, the final legacy of a man whose commitment to educating the next generation of engineers included decades of giving generous financial contributions, technical counsel, and professional guidance to UM-Dearborn engineering students, graduates, and faculty.

Center History, Dr. Subrata Sengupta

"Engineering faculty should have close contact with those in business, industry, and government who are practitioners, yet the university typically rewards research publications as opposed to collaboration with practicing engineers. To counteract this problem, the University of Michigan-Dearborn's School of Engineering has established a Center for Engineering Education and Practice that has the goal of combining teaching, research, and practice in a joint effort with industry. Multiple projects are funded each year that serve to answer real questions in the engineering community, enhance the school's curricula, and provide hands-on experiences for students. The Center has made a dramatic impact on the school, both in terms of relevance of the program, and in increased student enrollment."

- Metropolitan Universities: An International Forum, Winter 1997, Volume 8, Number 3.

The IAVS Building

Henry W. Patton Center for Engineering Education and Practice

The Henry W. Patton Entrepreneurship, Practice and Innovation Center (HP-EPIC) is housed in the Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems (IAVS) along with related engineering offices, specialized laboratories, research and teaching facilities, conference rooms and the BorgWarner Auditorium. These facilities, which are a component of the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS), are designed to advance the concept of an "interactive university". The strong external orientation that CECS has developed ensures that the University of Michigan-Dearborn will continue to have an impact on the regional economy through education of the "work force of tomorrow."